US Election 2012

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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds »

:^o): :x :roll: It's over. Lunacy has become the norm :!: :shock: ... d-in-ohio/ "Obama won by re-energizing his base. The CNN exit polls showed registered Democrats turned out in greater numbers than registered Republicans in battlegrounds Ohio and Florida. The exit polls also said white evangelical turnout in Virginia was down 7% from 2008, and Romney did not improve evangelical turnout in Florida from four years ago while losing about 40,000 votes to libertarian Gary Johnson.

Where was all the supposed Catholic outrage over Obamacare's imposed contraception mandate that threatens religious freedom? Where were the 17 million evangelicals who stayed home in 2008 that Ralph Reed promised he would deliver? Where was the wave of traditional-values loving Americans who came to the aid of Chick-fil-a in August?

Apparently when Romney said the grassroots uprising supporting Chick-fil-a was "not a part of my campaign" some of them got the message loud and clear when they voted.

Romney did everything the cynical Rove wing of the party says Republicans have to do to win. He abandoned his base with Chick-fil-a and joined the liberal dog pile on Todd Akin. He played it safe and didn't offer any major tax or entitlement reform ideas to avoid being demagogued. He ran on platitudes and talked more about how bad Obama is rather than what plans for the future he had. He even ran pro-choice television ads, which aired in battleground states such as Virginia and Iowa (has any GOP presidential nominee ever done that?).

And he still lost."
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Kristatos »

You gotta love the fact that the campaigns spent over a billion dollars each and absolutely nothing changed as a result of it. Two seats changed hands in the Senate and three in the House, but by and large, after all that, it's business as usual. What's that saying about a fool and his money?
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

Kristatos wrote:You gotta love the fact that the campaigns spent over a billion dollars each and absolutely nothing changed as a result of it. Two seats changed hands in the Senate and three in the House, but by and large, after all that, it's business as usual. What's that saying about a fool and his money?
The money they spent on the campaigns was obscene. I know it's expensive to run a campaign but do they really need to spend that much? If I was a US voter I'd be sick of phone calls and those stupid TV ads.
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote: Romney did everything the cynical Rove wing of the party says Republicans have to do to win.
Looks like Rove is toast.
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Dr. No »

Kristatos wrote:
bjmdds wrote: Romney did everything the cynical Rove wing of the party says Republicans have to do to win.
Looks like Rove is toast.
Rove over sold his abilities. Romney did what they said and still lost, it was a close race but the RNC brain trust didn't have a clue, I hear the pundits saying (now) Romney should of pushed Obama and he'd have won. I don't believe it. if he had brought up something like Libya up the press would have crucified him right there on stage. I don't think Romney had a magic bullet to win. I don't think the hurricane miraculously saved Obama either. In a fair fight I think Romney would of won, reminds me of the Mckinley election some.
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Re: US Election 2012

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Rush Limbaugh said James Bond is gone, it's not the same movies they were in Goldfinger. Not going to touch that one. The messenger may poison the message.
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds »

He said Bond films now attack the capitalists, not the usual enemies. Mark Simone on WABC radio Saturday night asked a female caller why she liked Cr-egg as Bond because men for the most part find him a cold blooded thug, and not a suave spy, and he just did not understand what women find attractive about him. The female caller said he had a good build, but that was all she said. She did not disagree with the radio DJ that DC was not good looking facially. Grunge sells in the 21st century with rap.........some culture. :down:
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Bond77 »

bjmdds wrote:He said Bond films now attack the capitalists, not the usual enemies.
About the only thing I liked about QOS was that the villain was a hypocritical "green" energy entrepreneur, and it was made all the more heavy handed by the filmmakers naming him Dominic Greene. I would think Mr. Limbaugh would have appreciated this particular element.
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds » ... snhp&pos=1 It's starting to head south here with 4 years of Oh-bama policies.......and will get worse with Oh-bamacare settling in next new year's eve.
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds »

Most everyone suspected fraud, but these numbers prove it and our government and media refuse to do anything about it.

As each state reported their final election details, the evidence of voter fraud is astounding. Massive voter fraud has been reported in areas of OH and FL, with PA, WI and VA, all are deploying personnel to investigate election results.

Here are just a few examples of what has surfaced with much more to come.

* In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama
Received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for
Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

* In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of
The votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their
Polling locations - and not one single vote was recorded for Romney.
(Another statistical impossibility).

* In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only
98,213 eligible voters.

* In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered
Eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.

* The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie
County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

* Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.

* In Ohio County, Obama won by 108% of the total number of
Eligible voters.

NOTE: Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote.

Imagine that!
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: US Election 2012

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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Kristatos »

Oh ffs. They're already asking people who they support in the 2016 election. We've only just had the last one. Hillary Clinton was the front runner, but really, at this stage, who cares?
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Dr. No »

The media is all about gearing up for the next election immediately, 2008 was got going too early and it hurt Hilliary, 2012 election the republican had too many debates and were campaigning for what seemed like 3 years.
I say a year and a half is it for presidential campaigns :cuss:

I'm more of libertarian IMO the power grabs going on since Reagan are getting increasing scary. primarily because the technology is catching up to the Orwellian predictions.

The police would love to have a constant flock of drones circling constantly over head then they'd would never have to go to work , point and click policing. Politicians would love it too, I'm a little worried the east coast population centers have strayed too far from the main stream America and are too eager to force through a lot of plans what nobody has considered the consequences of. The same minds who brought us 16 trillion dollars in debt, a weakening economy and dollar and the geniuses who completely fumbled sequestration. I actually blame Obama for sequestration he failed to lead and avoid it and did all kind of thing to prevent the law being followed by complained who were supposed to warn their employees they could be laid off.
Both Rebup and Dems had tough plan to avoid it as best they could and no body had the guts to do it and the one person who should have been in front leading sat back saying its a "Congressional problem", really and the law Obama make with out congressional consent , the people who tried to sneak in and judges he ignores are not a congressional problem, the one thing where he could have put together a deal on and be a hero he doesn't bother with because he and a lot of other politicians in both parties want it to happen.

During the campaign some of the numbers Obama was bragging about were if sequestration happened. Alot of repubs are just as happy to let it happen.

One thing important not to forget is sequestration idea came from the white house they'd like to say mean old repubs and blue dog dems were behind it but to me the man responsible even if it was a congressional problem is Obama. I can't help but feel if Romney had been elected a deal would be done, not because one party woudl suddenly get it in gear and work on the problem but because it would be a priority with Romney and it woudl be a bad deal but it'd get done.

Woodward’s book “The Price of Politics” has been the go-to fact check source for the president’s answer, in which he claimed the idea of using deep, automatic, across-the-board domestic and defense spending cuts to force Congress to address the nation’s burgeoning federal deficit originated from Congress, not from the White House.

“What the president said is not correct,” Woodward told POLITICO Tuesday. “He’s mistaken. And it’s refuted by the people who work for him.”

Woodward, a Washington Post journalist who was a key reporter on the initial coverage of the Watergate scandal, said he stands behind his reporting in the book, which drew upon sources involved in last year’s deficit talks and detailed notes taken in the meetings.

Woodward reports in his book that White House Office of Management Director Jack Lew and Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors took the proposal for sequestration to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and then it was presented to congressional Republicans.

During the debate, however, Obama said the idea originated on Capitol Hill.

“First of all, the sequester is not something that I've proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed,” Obama said, adding his strongest pronouncement to date on its future: “It will not happen.”

Woodward said there’s a possibility the president was unaware of how the idea came about.

“It’s a complicated process — and in fairness to the president — maybe he didn’t know that they were doing this because it’s kind of technical budget jargon,” Woodward said.

“What I wrote — it’s specific date, time, place, participants,” he said. “What I’ve reported is totally accurate. Call Nabors and Lew. Or ask the White House. I mean, they know that’s accurate.”

Read more: ... z2KQOp4qIM
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds »

Tuesday is the SOTU address. I will only watch Rubio's response after the shlockster in chief speaks his garble. I won't watch 1 second of O's speech. He is as full of it as any politician ever was. Romney would have been a darn good leader. It's a disgrace that voter fraud was not investigated either. It appears the attorney generals of each swing state looked the other way and certified the results as legitimate. Not in my book from what I have been reading.
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Most everyone suspected fraud, but these numbers prove it and our government and media refuse to do anything about it.
Snopes is your friend.
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds »

Tax dollars hard at work. This clown earned over $200,000 the past 2 years under Uh-O-bama going around the USA talking like this......and our tax dollars are paying for it :evil: :!:
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Re: US Election 2012

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: US Election 2012

Post by Dr. No »

Looks like the idiots in DC are going to let sequester happen. :cuss:

I doubt the TSA will be worseor any real cutbacks will happen, except to the military because they are the only branch of the government who have discipline so they will follow through on the cuts. Any one remember Obama not allowing these contactors send off warnings about being laid off during the election.....

if only there was a law to protect these people _.//
Chief of Staff, 007's gone round the bend. Says someone's been trying to feed him a poisoned banana. Fellow's lost his nerve. Been in the hospital too long. Better call him home.
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