The 2010 Health Care bill

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Dr. No
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The 2010 Health Care bill

Post by Dr. No »

As most of you will have heard the Dems passed a bill out of debate literally in the middle of the night early this morning.

I had a sad realization this morning that I, we, may have just witnessed the DNC committing suicide. Not just because of the tactics used by the dems, keeping all the dealings behind closed doors, buying of senators, midnight votes, no bill for the public to review, rushed voting. All of that might play a part and to some level it may not be all that unusual for DC politics.

What i believe hurts the DNC is that this is a bad bill. In the last year they congress has rushed out bills and spent money like no tomorrow. Some of the bills were so rushed nobody could read them and have all kinds of errors like wrong towns being given money in the completely wrong states.

despite all the flowery talk, all this is is another pork filled bill with all the good old boys getting paid off.

What we needed was real reform and what we are getting is a anything but that. Our medicine is among the best in the world, what we are charged is outrageous and the tactics insurance companies use are criminal in some ways, to me anyway.

The way I see it our medical system is like a water balloon with a leak, what this bill does is put a band aid on the balloon (which will not last for long) and then infuse a lot more water in to the balloon, which doesn't save it or help it last longer, all is does is increases the pressure and forces more water out more rapidly and helps lead the balloon to the inevitable explosion where it all falls to pieces.

What is see a s a major failing is that Obama was too afraid to do anything. He should have written the bill himself, his team anyway, what he did instead was leave it up to the spineless crooks in congress to hash out. Instead or real reform and real innovation we get this pork party 2 bill and Obama standing next to them all smiling like he actually did something, he didn't all he did was let those crook pull one over on all of us.

I fell this bill is worse than the republican "walk it off" health care plan. Maybe that is unfair to them, since Bush actually did a lot of good social programs and funding increases.

Anyway sorry to vent to you all about this, my heart is sick and sad at all the antics going on is Washington. maybe I'll delete this ebfore any of you see it. :(
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Re: The 2010 Health Care bill

Post by Kristatos »

A large part of the reason for us moving back to the UK (where we have real universal healthcare, not just mandated insurance) is that my wife and I saw this coming. The insurance lobby in the US is just too powerful, and the American political system too corrupt for any meaningful change to ever be enacted. I'm sorry if American readers are offended by me saying this, but apart from the defeat over privatising Social Security, which would have been the final nail in the coffin, I do believe that the project begun by Ronald Reagan and continued by subsequent Presidents (both Republicrat and Democan) to undo FDR's New Deal is all but complete, and America is now back in the era of the Robber Barons.
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