Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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OK, as promised, here is the fanfic I've been working on. It takes as its starting point the few bits of Ian Fleming's Risico that didn't make it into the film For Your Eyes Only, but most of it is my own work. It is designed as a bridge between QOS and Doctor No as it might appear in the rebooted timeline. That is, if you watched CR then QOS then Risico then DN, they would flow naturally into each other - apart from the line in DN about Bond not having met Leiter before and the scene where Leiter fails to recognise Bond. I could have given Felix some convenient memory loss, and contrived a reason why Bond had to lie to M, but that seemed a little too fanwanky for my tastes, making the plot revolve around continuity rather than the other way around. It would be simpler for someone with the requisite skills to do a fan edit of DN with those few seconds removed, quite frankly.

This is very much a first draft, and I'm open to suggestions for improvement. In particular, if it needs more action, particularly in the first half. Cubby always called the action scenes "bumps" and said he aimed for 12 or 13 per picture. I count 10 here. I thought of having another one on the train, with a good old-fashioned rooftop fight (we haven't had one of those since the heyday of the western), but couldn't come up with a logical reason for Renga's men to be on the train. Even if it were reinstated, it would still need another "bump" or two.

Because of its length, I will split it into several posts. There are various endnotes that give some insight into the writing process. I will put them in a separate post at the end. Hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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The film's opening gunbarrel (remember those?) irises out onto a fairground in London, where Bond is about to meet a contact from Scotland Yard, Nicholson, who has some information for him. Since Nicholson is late, Bond decides to have a go at the shooting gallery, which he naturally wins at with an ease that surprises the stallholder running it. He then notices the red spot of a laser sight directly on him and ducks, just before the shooting gallery targets are destroyed in a volley of sniper fire, much to the astonishment of the stall owner. Laid on the ground, he sees a hand poking out from under the shooting gallery's canvas and lifts it up to see Nicholson's body stashed under there. Tracing the line of sight from the shooting gallery, Bond sees the sniper perched atop the Ferris wheel. Dodging more bullets from the sniper, Bond finds himself being herded by the crowd onto the rollercoaster. On the ride, Bond and the sniper engage in a shootout(1), with Bond surreptitiously using his sawn-off Beretta pocket pistol so as not to draw attention to himself, that ends with the sniper falling to his death.

Last edited by Kristatos on Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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Back at MI6's offices, Bond goes for a meeting with M and is introduced to her new personal assistant, Lt. Jane Moneypenny (2), a transfer from the Royal Navy like Bond. Thinking that they have a mole in their ranks who tipped the sniper off about Nicholson, Bond is immediately suspicious of the new recruit. He offers to probe her, but M tells him that she has been thoroughly vetted, though she acidly observes that "all the vetting in the world didn't help with Craig Mitchell, so you may as well put your probe away". She dismisses Moneypenny and shows Bond some new security measures that she has had installed in her office, including a Perspex screen that shoots up if somebody fires a weapon at her(3).

Bond is still not satisfied and tails Moneypenny to a restaurant where she is having dinner with an unidentified man. He confronts her after the meal and demands to know if she was passing secrets to the man. She replies that the man is Hugh Felton from the office, and that they were just having dinner, before storming off angrily.

Back at M's office, which is now deserted, Bond searches M's computer to see what files Moneypenny has had access to. Moneypenny comes in having forgotten something and gets angry at Bond. She is joined soon after by Hugh, who defends Moneypenny. Bond takes Hugh aside and has a man to man talk with him about how treacherous women can be (lingering memories of Vesper?) and how he suspects that Moneypenny is not all he seems. However, during the course of the conversation, Hugh says some things that set off Bond's "spydar" and he immediately switches to covert interrogation mode (covert as in interrogating Hugh without him realizing that he's being interrogated). The truth gradually dawns on Bond – Hugh was the mole and was using Moneypenny to gain access to M. Hugh realizes that Bond is onto him and tries to kill him. They have a huge fight in M's office. Hugh ends up pushing Bond to the floor where he rolls under M's desk and kicks Hugh on the shin, knocking him forward onto the desk. Hugh tries to point his gun under the desk to shoot Bond, but Bond spies M's panic button and pushes it. There is a sickening crunch as the Perspex screen shoots upwards and Hugh's gun arm goes limp, dropping his pistol to the floor. Moneypenny screams.

M enters the room having received a security alert of unauthorized access to her computer. She demands to know what's going on and Bond tells that Hugh turned out to be two-faced. "In fact you could say…." M interrupts, saying that "this had better not be leading up to a Hugh Janus joke, 007". Bond closes his mouth and looks sheepish. M adds that she was going to wait until morning, but she may as well tell him now – she had spoken to Ronnie Vallance over at Scotland Yard and Nicholson had been working on a drug ring that had been flooding London with heroin, the proceeds from which had been used to finance a previously unknown Sardinian separatist terrorist group, the Liga Sardigna, making it potentially MI6's problem. She tells him to go to Cuglieri tomorrow, where Alessandra Bellini, an Anglo-Italian 00 agent working for Station I, had managed to infiltrate the Liga by becoming the mistress of one of its senior officers, Antiogu Renga.
Last edited by Kristatos on Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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The next day, M meets Bond at a secure airfield where she briefs him and gives him his cover story. She says she assigned him this mission because she knows he speaks fluent, accentless Italian, as well as because he is already familiar with the details of the case. He is to pose as Giacomo Bonparente, a cousin of Bellini's who has recently moved to Sardinia from Rome and is looking for work. Bellini will persuade Renga to offer him a job as a low-level goon with his organization. She also says that the armourer asked her to give Bond a phone, adding that he couldn't make it in person, but he can see what is going on at the airfield via a secure satellite link to his videophone. The phone she gives Bond looks like an iPhone or something similar, but a text message from "Quartermaster" asks him to touch the top left app button. He presses the top right button by mistake and a fireball shoots across the room. Another message from Quartermaster reads "I said top LEFT!" followed immediately by yet another one reading "Do pay attention 007". Bond presses the correct button and music starts to play from the phone. He notices that everyone in the room is putting on protective earmuffs(4). He soon finds out why as an unsettling low-frequency hum fills the air. M says that the phone doubles as a sonic disruptor, originally developed for crowd control, but useful when hopelessly outnumbered. She adds that he also discovered the small quantity of highly concentrated thermobaric gel concealed in the phone, "enough to blow a heavy door, or at a pinch, for limited anti-personnel use"(5).
Last edited by Kristatos on Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

Post by Kristatos »

Delete - double post.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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In Sardinia, Bond meets Bellini at the ristorante she runs, the Columba D'Ora. She tells him that Renga preaches separation from Italy, but he values the things that Italians value: family, good food (hence her cover as a restaurant owner) and above all, stylish clothes. Bond asks if the clothes he is wearing are stylish enough, and she replies that they are "A bit vulgar in the American way, and definitely dubious according to the Italian canons of elegance"(6). She adds that if he wants to win Renga's confidence, she will have to take him shopping, as Renga will not take to a man who looks like an English football hooligan.

They go clothes shopping and buy a tailored Italian suit. When Bond tries it on, he gives the same look of approval that he gave when Vesper gave him the tailored suit on the train and declares, somewhat tongue in cheek, that he never wants to violate the Italian canons of elegance again. On their way out of the store, a stretch limo with blacked-out windows draws up. The rear window slides down and we see Renga for the first time; a huge, imposing man with a bushy mustache and a love of outsize cigars, much as Ian Fleming described Kristatos in the original short story on which this treatment is loosely based. He asks Alessandra who Bond is and she gives the cover story about his cousin from Rome, as agreed. Renga sizes him up and agrees that he could be useful as hired muscle. They get into the limo, where Bond is introduced to Fergus MacGairbheith (7), Renga's liaison with the Real IRA, who are helping him sell the drugs in London in order to finance their terrorist operations there ("and that stuff kills the stupid English bas***ds that take it, which is always a plus"). Bond bristles at this affront to his patriotism and values, but knows he cannot react, however, he reacts enough for MacGairbheith to have his suspicions confirmed.

When they get back to the Columba D'Ora for drinks, MacGairbheith takes Renga to one side and tells him that Bond is a British agent, who killed his comrade in arms at the fairground. In flashback, we see the hit on Nicholson while the shooting gallery owner's back was turned, and MacGairbheith casually stashing Nicholson's body under the canvas while he takes Nicholson's place in the queue. Returning to the scene, Renga tells MacGairbheith to deal with Bond as he sees fit. MacGairbheith asks about Alessandra, since she seems to be in league with Bond. Renga looks pained and says he does not want to damage such beauty, but tells MacGairbheith to keep an eye on her.

MacGairbheith uses his PDA to take a webcam photo of Bond, and then, once identifying him, hacks into his dossier at MI6, the same dossier seen on the official James Bond website run by Sony/MGM in the real world. He pretends to talk about the Liga Sardigna's separatist ambitions, and how much they resemble those of Irish patriots. He contrasts them with self-hating Gaels, like a Scotsman he heard about named James Bond who so identifies with the English imperial state that he joined their secret service and even talks with a ridiculous mockney accent. He watches with amusement as Bond gets progressively more tense, finally delivering the killer blow, saying, in Gaelic, "you talk Italian and Arabic and God knows what else, but I bet you don't even understand your mother tongue, ye traitorous wee shite". Observing his incomprehension, he adds, in English, "oh, and by the way, I drugged your drink, Mr. Bond". Bond reaches for his gun, but immediately collapses unconscious.

MacGairbheith drags Bond to a back room, where he lays him on a table and explains that he was a pharmacist in Ulster, until his Orangeman boss fired him and replaced him with a Protestant. That's how he came to be so good at the narcotics trade. The poison he gave Bond was a paralyzing agent that renders him unable to move or speak, though he can still feel pain. MacGairbheith also adds that he didn't want to stay as a pharmacist, he fancied retraining as a surgeon. He said that it was tough getting into medical school after he got fired, but he could always train himself by practicing on Brits and traitors. He opens Bond's shirt and pulls out a scalpel, but Alessandra shoots him. Quickly, she stashes Bond's limp body in a cupboard and covers MacGairbheith's with a tablecloth. Renga appears and asks what that gunshot was. Alessandra lies and says that MacGairbheith killed Bond. When Renga asks where MacGairbheith is now, she stalls for time, but then Bond comes to and stumbles out of the cupboard. Renga pulls his gun, but Alessandra knocks it out of his hand and drags the still disoriented Bond out of the room.
Last edited by Kristatos on Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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Once outside, the fresh air wakes Bond up and he is able to detach himself from Alessandra so that they can run from the bulky Renga faster. But Renga shouts an order and henchmen on motorbikes appear from every direction. Bond sees a scooter hire place and thrusts a wad of Euros into the hand of the delighted-looking owner. He and Alessandra hop onto a scooter, Bond driving and Alessandra holding on behind. A thrilling chase through the narrow Italian streets ensues, with the nippy scooter outmaneuvering the bulkier motorbikes at every turn. Finally, Bond sees his chance to lose himself in the crowd. He spies a banner with the Union Jack and the Italian flag on it reading, in English, "THE ITALIAN JOB – MOD WEEKENDER AND SCOOTER RALLY". He parks his scooter among all the tricked out custom ones and he and Alessandra try to blend in. A young mod, Bernard Hadley(8), compliments Bond on his suit. Bond says "Thanks, oh and by the way, there's a bunch of greasers back there who look like they want to restart the mods vs. rockers wars of the 60's". The bikers see the massed mods looking at them threateningly, realize that they are hopelessly outnumbered, and ride off with their tails between their legs.

In the club, Alessandra tells Bond that she thinks they'll be safe, as Renga was off to visit his heroin-producing facility in Iran. Bond replies that he didn't join the service to be safe, and if that's where Renga is, that's where he's going too. After some argument, Alessandra decides to go with him, saying that there is an Albanian ship that brings the drugs from Iran to Italy, via Turkey. She says that she can pretend that she is going to join Renga and that she is bringing his new henchman with her. As an afterthought, Bond asks if his accent sounds mockney to her, and she says "I'm Italian, I'm not an expert on English accents", but he is obviously stung by MacGairbheith's comment, and starts making a point of talking in an exaggerated RP.
Last edited by Kristatos on Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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That night, they go to meet the Albanian ship at an abandoned naval dockyard. They talk to the captain of the ship, who is initially reluctant to take a woman on board his ship due to the old seafaring superstition about it being bad luck, but after Bond goes on a charm offensive, talking to him as one sea dog to another, he eventually agrees to take them to Izmir, from whence they can take a train to Tehran, changing at Ankara. Unfortunately, at this point, they are joined by Renga's henchmen, carrying harpoon guns, come to collect their cargo of heroin, who identify him as the man they were chasing earlier (in the scooter/motorbike chase scene). A firefight ensues, during which the captain and most of Renga's henchmen are killed, with the rest beating another tactical retreat.

Bond boards the ship and tells the crew that he is assuming command of the vessel. Alessandra asks him if he knows what he's doing, to which Bond replies that he's piloted plenty of ships before, but that normally, the crew was on the same side as him. The crew remains suspicious and at one point, Bond has to put down a mutiny after beating the ringleader in a brutal fist fight, after which the rest of the crew decide they had better not mess with him.

After the fight, Alessandra nurses Bond's wounds and they end up making love. The morning after, they are interrupted as CIA men burst into their cabin, having boarded their vessel a few minutes earlier. The man in charge of the CIA operation steps in to meet the commanding officer of this drug smuggling ship – it's none other than Felix Leiter. Leiter says that he wasn't expecting to find Bond here, and that he's even more surprised to see Alessandra. Bond says "I take it you disapprove", to which Felix replies "Not at all. In fact, I think I prefer you like this than when you were this whiny emo bitch pining after the death of your loved one". Realizing how inappropriate that statement was, he hurriedly adds "Tragic though that was".
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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In Izmir, Bond, Felix and Alessandra board the train to Ankara, and eventually Tehran. Felix dismisses his men, saying he doesn't want too many CIA guys going into Iran, as he doesn't want to start a war in the Middle East, but says that he wants to go as this is a personal mission for him, as he has seen too many lives destroyed by drugs, and that because he's CIA, most of his homies think he's responsible. Bond says that it is probably best not to go Into Iran on the train, and that he will call Station T to ask them to arrange for alternative transport near the Turkish/Iranian border.

Eventually, they get off the train at a whistle stop near the border and are met by Station T agents, who deliver their alternative transport – three one-person autogyros a la Little Nellie(9). They fly to Renga's drug processing facility under cover of darkness, making sure that they keep their distance from each other to try and avoid radar detection. Unfortunately, they are spotted and have to dodge surface-to-air missiles before landing near the drug plant.

After landing, Bond (now separated from Alessandra and Felix) has to dodge the Persian Leopards that guard the plant. Once inside, Bond sees that it is populated mostly by low-paid Iranian workers. Wanting to avoid a confrontation with them, he traces the piped classical music that plays over the PA back to its source, and plugs in his phone. He replaces the existing music with some Puccini, turning on the sonic disruptor in order to clear the room. Renga and the Iranian plant manager find Bond and asks him what he's done to their workers. Bond quips "Like I always say, Tosca's not for everybody". Renga attacks him and the plant manager runs off to get his weapon. The phone rings – it's Alessandra, wanting to know where Bond is. Bond points the phone at Renga and says "it's for you", pressing the button that shoots the thermobaric gel, turning Renga into a human fireball, who runs out of the room and falls off a gantry into the raw heroin below, which catches fire.

Bond finds Alessandra and Felix and they try to escape the burning building, but are confronted by the plant manager, who now has a machine gun. He shoots Alessandra and Bond reaches for his Beretta, but the silencer jams. Bond is shot. The last thing he sees before he blacks out is Felix shooting the plant manager.
Last edited by Kristatos on Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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He wakes up in hospital. M, Moneypenny and Felix are there. Felix breaks the news that Alessandra didn't survive, and asks him if he's going to be alright. Bond replies that she knew the risks when she joined the service, but that he hopes she got a decent burial, unlike Mathis. Felix replies that he saw to it personally that she was buried with full military honors and Bond says he's glad. M informs Bond that she is being transferred out of MI6, because Whitehall feels that the casualty rate in the 00 section under her stewardship is unacceptable. Bond is upset by this, but M says "Don't worry about me, it's just politics. People get moved around all the time. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if, in a few years, I'm back exactly where I am now". M and Felix leave the room, but Moneypenny stays behind. Bond says he's sorry about Hugh, but Moneypenny says she understands that he did what he had to do. In fact, to show that there's no hard feelings, she offers to take him out to dinner once he gets out of hospital. Bond says he's flattered, but he thinks that for her own sake, she should stay away from workplace dating in this game. Moneypenny feels slightly awkward and leaves.

The matron comes in and he asks her how long he's likely to be in hospital. She tells him the bad news that it could be as long as six months. Bond is horrified by the thought of being out of action for so long, but then a very sexy nurse comes in to give him a sponge bath and he decides that six months in hospital might not be so bad after all.

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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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(1) This comes from an unused idea from Ian Fleming's notebooks, as published in John Pearson's biography of Fleming.
(2) The name Jane comes from the Moneypenny Diaries, so there may be a copyright issue with using it. The rank of Lieutenant is an updating of Moneypenny's previously established rank of Second Officer in the WRNS. Since the Wrens were absorbed into the regular Royal Navy in 1993, I have given her the equivalent naval rank.
(3) As featured in the novel The Man With The Golden Gun.
(4) Ideally, the music should be a Beatles song, as a nod to the line in Goldfinger about listening to the Beatles without earmuffs. Bond could then joke that the room must be full of Stones fans when he sees them putting the earmuffs on.
(5) I figured one gadget was probably enough for now, like Bond's tricked-out briefcase in From Russia With Love. Any more than that and the Craig fans would start complaining that the proles were having too much fun.
(6) A direct quote from the Italian tailor Caracini, quoted in Dressed to Kill: The Suited Hero, edited by Jay McInerny.
(7) Pronounced McGarvey, the name on his birth certificate. He "Gaelicized" it out of nationalist sentiment.
(8) Bernard Hadley is the hero of a series of mod-themed spy novellas written by a friend of mine from my mod days, Helen Barrell. This cameo, and indeed this whole scene is not only a tribute to my past, but an acknowledgement of the following that Bond had among the original 60's mods.
(9) In You Only Live Twice, Bond says that he has flown Little Nellie before. Here's where.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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I''m having a read - and will comment when I've read it! :cheers:
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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carl stromberg wrote:I''m having a read - and will comment when I've read it! :cheers:
I'll look forward to your feedback. I am already starting to notice logic gaps and plot holes. Perhaps I should have sat on it a couple of weeks and then revised it before posting, but I didn't want to keep my loyal fans waiting :D
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

Post by katied »

Not bad...7 out of 10 :up:
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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Great (?) minds think alike. From an interview with Daniel Craig on MI6:
"I love the idea of putting Moneypenny in the film," he said "I’m dead keen to do it. And Q. But I work from the premise that there are millions and millions of people out there who never saw one of the earlier Bond movies. So they don’t understand the martini gag. Or the Moneypenny gag, which is a gag - it had ceased to be a character. So, let’s find out who she is.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

Post by katied »

Only if it's not uber cheesy.Same with Moneypenny.But I suspect EON would go the cheesy route no matter what :?
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

I always thought the IRA would be good in a Bond movie. Hopefully on will steal some of your treatment, then you can sue them and prevent Barbara from making awful Craig Bond movies.

Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

Post by katied »

Eh the IRA aren't in the news that much anymore. I worry about EON trying to put current political situations in Bond films.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

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Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:I always thought the IRA would be good in a Bond movie. Hopefully on will steal some of your treatment, then you can sue them and prevent Barbara from making awful Craig Bond movies.
Well, McGarvey (I shall use the Anglicised spelling of his name for the sake of linguistic sanity!) was largely based on Red Grant as he appeared in the novel of FRWL - a psychopathic ex-IRA killer who gets murderous impulses around the full moon. I wanted to have M brief Bond about him and have Bond querying how someone could be considered too violent for the Real IRA, to which M acidly replies "He had a nasty habit of killing people who the Real IRA needed left alive - sound familiar?". But since Bond doesn't get to meet McGarvey until he gets to Sardinia, that exchange had to go.
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Re: Bond 23: Risico (fanfic)

Post by carl stromberg »

Purvis and Wade may nick the Hugh Janus gag! I liked the Moneypenny introduction, and Eon will do something similar if they want to explore her origins. I hadn't heard of Lt. Jane Moneypenny before!

I suppose the Real IRA is less politically controversial as many people who supported the Provisionals regard them as renegades. Any form of IRA or any paramilitary related characteres could be used as nowadays those connected with the Northern Irish paramilitary groups are involved in organised crime, so villains could use them.
I am already starting to notice logic gaps and plot holes.
But that's a traditional element of the Bond films!!!! :wink:
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