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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Who else is paying little attention to the flooding in Louisiana? President Obama. Where is he? On a golf course in Martha's Vineyard as the state drowns in destruction, damage and devastation.

In 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit, President George W. Bush was accused of "not caring about black people" because he failed to visit New Orleans. He avoided a visit in an effort to prevent distraction from relief efforts. When he did a flyover of the area after leaving vacation early, he was roundly criticized for being out of touch. President Obama? He gets a free pass. Image Image
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Some men carry and handle their diplomacy better than others. When former U.S. Military commander in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, was called into the Oval Office by Barack Obama, he knew things weren't going to go well when the President accused him of not supporting him in his political role as President.

"It's not my job to support you as a politician, Mr. President, it's my job to support you as Commander-in-Chief," McChrystal replied, and he handed Obama his resignation.

Not satisfied with accepting McChrystal's resignation, the President made a cheap parting shot. "I bet when I die you'll be happy to piss on my grave."

The General saluted and said, "Mr. President, I always told myself after leaving the Army I'd never stand in line again."
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: Oh-bama

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

President Barack Obama on Tuesday commuted the prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. military intelligence analyst who is serving 35 years in prison for passing classified files to WikiLeaks, the White House said.

Manning, formerly known as U.S. Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, was born male but revealed after being convicted of espionage that she identifies as a woman.

She accepted responsibility for leaking the material, has said she was confronting gender dysphoria at the time of the leaks while deployed in Iraq.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Omega »

We ought to make a pool for what obama will do in retirement

I could see him eventually converting to Islam to make a point. I don't believe he is religious, imo for him it's a convenient tool in a politicians Arsenal. Most of these politicians give lip service to religious groups for their support, I don't think they have a real deeply rooted religious philosophy, for obama it would be a opportunity to lecture America on Islam.

Obama retirement pool
1. Be shocked he does not matter any more
2. Golf
3. Write a few preachy books about his favorite subject, obama
4. Try to get TV presence nationally, interviews maybe once a month press conferences to refute trump
5. Run for president as Barry soetoro
6. Beat Hillary in NYC Mayor race
7.launch his own O network
8. Convert to Islam
9. Become bff with W Bush

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

He is a narcissistic loser who stares at himself in the mirror and sees greatness. He will most likely convert officially to Islam in the future and stop hiding his true beliefs. The media will interview him on CNN and 60 Minutes as often as possible but it won't matter. He is past tense and done! :down: Now let the bum get lost!
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Post by Omega »

Well I'm not sure he has true beliefs. For him I think it would be a intellectual exercise.

Far as being on tv, yep, he thinks he is the best to lead the democrats and Hillary should be in the back ground.
He's doing trump a huge favor, but imo obama is the next establishment politician trump will destroy. Obama thinks he just needs to talk and people will agree with him, find a strawman argument and win, that's how he done it. Except I think he has never won on policy, he won on celebrity and a few big promises like hope and change.
If you pay attention to policy he made huge changes, if you live day to day like most Americans they saw no change and things got worse for some.
Trump doesn't speak policy wonk, his language is the same as most Americans so it resonates better than talking about policy.

Interesting that nobody is trying to save obama care, no mass protest to save this program, most of us are waiting to see what replaces it. Status quo 2008 is not a option, obama care is not a option either, they have to make medicine and medical care truly affordable.

Everybody missed trump took on Big pharmaceutical at his Press conference a few days ago everyone got stuck on the fake Russian story.

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Barack Obama cut short the sentences of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes on Thursday, bringing his bid to correct what he’s called a systematic injustice to a climactic close.

With his final offer of clemency, Mr. Obama brought his total number of commutations granted to 1,715, more than any other president in U.S. history, the White House said. During his presidency Mr. Obama ordered free 568 inmates who had been sentenced to life in prison.

This is also the most commutation grants ever in a single day. In addition to granting more commutations than any president in U.S. history, he has now granted more than the past 13 presidents combined.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by carl stromberg »

I thought Barack Obama could be a Nelson Mandela type figure because he was the first black President? Or probably he will just play golf.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

[video][/video] More proof how corrupt the liberal SNL and the media are!
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking.

A State Department official and several congressional aides said the outgoing administration formally notified Congress it would spend the money Friday morning. The official said former Secretary of State John Kerry had informed some lawmakers of the move shortly before he left the State Department for the last time Thursday. The aides said written notification dated Jan. 20 was sent to Congress just hours before Donald Trump took the oath of office.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

From the beginning of FY 2016 on October 1, 2015 until January 24, 2017, a total of 115,879 refugees have been resettled in the United States, according to the State Department’s interactive website.

Fifty-two thousand and sixty-nine of those refugees, or 45 percent, came from those seven countries: Syria (17,341), Iraq (14,613), Somalia (12,914), Iran (5,278), Sudan (1,887), Yemen (32), and Libya (4).
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Gallup poll found that Obama's overall average approval rating was a dismal 47.9%.

Only three presidents scored worse than Obama since Gallup started doing these surveys in 1945: never-elected Gerald Ford (47.2%), one-termer Jimmy Carter (45.4%), and Harry Truman (45.4%).

Obama even did worse overall than Richard Nixon, whose average approval was 49%, and was less popular overall than George W. Bush, who got an average 49.4%.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

President Trump's recent air strike on Syria has some unlikely support—from Democrats and members of the former Obama administration.

In fact, Politico is reporting that former Secretary of State John Kerry was, according to an inside source, "'absolutely supportive' of Trump's strike and 'gratified to see that it happened quickly.'"

The person is also quoted as saying that Kerry "believes if executed correctly and clearly, [military action] can help reenergize the diplomatic channel."

Meanwhile, Barry Pavel, who was a senior director on the U.S. National Security Council during Obama's first term, told Fox News, that "In Syria, a major mistake was treating it like a humanitarian crisis, when it was a major national security crisis that has caused destabilization on our closest allies in Europe."

And because aggressive countries like Syria knew that Obama was reluctant to use military force against them, Pavel says, "I think he left a more dangerous world."
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Obama chose to grant clemency to a record number of prisoners who had committed nonviolent drug-related offenses. In 2016, Richardson became one of them. But now, she has been ordered to return to federal prison after violating the terms of her supervised release, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas said Thursday.

Richardson, a 49-year-old resident of Texas City, was originally convicted in 2006 for “conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute 50 grams or more of cocaine as well as two counts of possession with the intent to distribute cocaine base.” At the time, U.S. District Judge Keith P. Ellison sentenced her to life in federal prison, noting that she had an extensive criminal history.

Richardson had already served about a decade of her life sentence when she received a reprieve last year, under an agreement that her release would be supervised for 10 years. For Richardson and hundreds of other nonviolent drug offenders granted clemency, the truncated prison sentence was a rare opportunity to reenter society. During his two terms in office, Obama commuted a total of 1,715 prison sentences, more than any other president in history.

Richardson was released from the U.S. Bureau of Prisons on July 28, 2016.

However, on April 13, less than a year after her release, Richardson was arrested for theft in Pasadena, Tex., a Houston suburb.

According to acting U.S. attorney Abe Martinez, Richardson also violated four other terms of her release, including a failure to report any “law enforcement contact” to her probation officer within 72 hours.

“She has also failed to maintain regular contact with the U.S. Probation Office and failed to report that she had been terminated from her employment with Home Health Providers for abandoning her position,” Martinez said in a statement. “She also failed to report a change in her residence. In fact, as of May 15, 2017, attempts to reach her were unsuccessful, and her whereabouts were unknown.”

Richardson was finally located and arrested May 31, Martinez said. In a hearing Thursday, Ellison — the same judge who had sentenced Richardson to life in federal prison in 2006 — told her he was disappointed that she had wasted “the extremely rare opportunity she was given,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Ellison ordered Richardson to return to federal prison for 14 months; afterward, she will be placed on supervised release for five years.

“This defendant was literally given a second chance to become a productive member of society and has wasted it,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Ted Imperato said in a statement after the hearing. “She has clearly shown a willful disregard for the law and must face the consequences for her crimes and actions.”
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Omega »

I don't have a issue with pardoning low level drug crimes, so many are railroaded by the system. But they don't have any skills to fall back on so of course many will be arrested again.

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Barack Obama spoke in New York to clients of Northern Trust Corp. for about $400,000, a person familiar with his appearance said. Last week, he reminisced about the White House for Carlyle Group LP, one of the world’s biggest private equity firms, according to two people who were there. Next week, he’ll give a keynote speech at investment bank Cantor Fitzgerald LP’s health-care conference. :Bonk:
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