Doctor Who season 12/38

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Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Kristatos »

The season premiere is on New Year's Day and is entitled...Spyfall! It looks from the trailer as if Stephen Fry will be playing an M-type character, so this may well be "Doctor Who does Bond". I know the last series had its problems, but hopefully the production team will up their game this time around.

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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by James »

I really, really, really hated the last season but I must admit this was much improved. It moved at a fast clip, looked great, had scary aliens, good special effects, and a fun bonkers twist at the end. Jodi is still a bit bland (IMO) but generally a really good opener.
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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Kristatos »

James wrote:I really, really, really hated the last season but I must admit this was much improved. It moved at a fast clip, looked great, had scary aliens, good special effects, and a fun bonkers twist at the end. Jodi is still a bit bland (IMO) but generally a really good opener.
That reveal was great. It looks like they've taken on board some of the criticisms of the last series and have upped the pace and brought back some classic monsters (Cybermen, Judoon, and does anybody really believe Chibnall when he says not to expect Daleks this season?)

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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

The latest episode was a bit uninspired. It did though have Colin Farrell, the veteran actor from many roles (not the Irishman) and Julia Foster who appeared in the classic Hammer House of Horror set in the Slimming Clinic.
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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Kristatos »

Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:The latest episode was a bit uninspired. It did though have Colin Farrell, the veteran actor from many roles (not the Irishman) and Julia Foster who appeared in the classic Hammer House of Horror set in the Slimming Clinic.
I thought the sermonising at the end was very heavy-handed. I'm not a fan of characters giving long speeches where they spell out the message of this week's episode. It took me back to the '70s, and not in a good way.

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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

I see the writer decided to play it safe and not have anything too controversial in the last episode of the series. :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Kristatos »

Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:I see the writer decided to play it safe and not have anything too controversial in the last episode of the series. :twisted: :twisted:
He was merely settling an argument that has been raging since The Brain of Morbius about whether William Hartnell's Doctor was really the first incarnation.
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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Blowfeld »

Kristatos wrote:
Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:I see the writer decided to play it safe and not have anything too controversial in the last episode of the series. :twisted: :twisted:
He was merely settling an argument that has been raging since The Brain of Morbius about whether William Hartnell's Doctor was really the first incarnation.
Sorry Kris, last time we talk about the series I intended to say it was not in trouble from of the ratings being closer to Peter Capaldi's ratings. I had the flu and did not say what I intended. I still have no confidence with how the BBC complies ratings. I believe they have underestimated Doctor Who for some time.

For the new Doctor I have not watched the show since Demons of the Punjab, after enduring a life time of half-baked, ill conceived, poorly written, poorly acted shows I hit my Quantum of Solace (as Ian intended the phrase) with the politically correct virtue signalling Chris Chibnall made Doctor Who.
I don't mind Jodie, except from what I saw she was a poor imitation of early Matt Smith, quirky but not yet Doctorish. My other issue was the importance placed on the companions was obnoxious, passable for Torchwood and Sarah Jane, not for Doctor Who.

I apologize for clearing up the back log before getting to this fanboy drivel:

From what I understand of 'the timeless child' it is more or less a return to 'the Other' they were trying to establish in unfinished 7th Doctor Story arc.
The reason the Doctor had the 'Hand of Omega' was one of the three founders of Gallifrey and time travel, the Other, was there. Founders were supposed to be Rassilon, Omega, and The Other/Other one. The Other was there when the Hand(s) of Omega were created and after Omega was lost, the Other consoled the remaining Hand of Omega which waited for Omega like legendary Japanese dog Hachiko, who mourned his owners passing for nine years while faithful waiting on his return.
Who the Other is was supposed to be the secret Lady Peinforte knew in 'Sliver Nemesis'

Very long origins story short the Other is not from Gallifrey, he helps to build Gallifrey up creating the Time Lords, eventually become bored with Gallifrey and wants to leave but Rasilon was powerful enough to make this difficult, eventually the Other becomes the Doctor, through incarnation or regeneration possibly a mixture of both.
The NA book series has the Other throwing himself into the genetic looms (Gallifrey was sterile after Pythia's curse). Eventually the genetic looms after aeons reassemble the basic genetics of the Other when the Doctor is born. The faces in 'the Brain of Morbius' were supposed to be incarnations of the Other that the Doctor was more of less unaware of.
The 7th Doctor's story arcs were him acting on the knowledge from the Other the previous Doctors didn't, although the First Doctor did bury the Hand of Omega on earth bait the Daleks at a later time.

Another aside the 7th Doctor was worried about connecting with the Matrix, easiest to explain was he believed the Valyard was a mix of his darker emotions, aspects, lies, recorded in Matrix used to create essentially the anti-Doctor.

In the NA books the main reason was the Doctor avoided the Matrix was he was afraid though him the Matrix to gain access to something more powerful that if misused or forcibly combined to the darkness swirling from dead Time Lord minds could create a real monster.
Supposedly every time in the past when the Doctor was connected to the Matrix he fought to control what was accessed.

End of fanboy didjaknow session.

I'm not upset about the potential of the cannon of the show being disrupted, happened countless times already, usually ends up adding to the shows myth. It could even be argued the real Doctor died in inside the Doctor's confession dial, with copy after copy fulfilling the eventual escape.
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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Kristatos »

I totally agree. People act as if "canon" was set in stone from episode one, whereas it actually evolved over the years.

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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by James »

Jodi has quit? I think she's been quite poor in the role but I'd blame a lot of that on Chibnall. I'd rather get rid of him.
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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by Kristatos »

Several news outlets are reporting that she has quit, but I don't think there has been an official announcement yet. I am slightly skeptical, as there have been announcements before about Jodie and/or Chibnall quitting that later turned out to be false, although this one is being treated as credible by multiple reputable news sources, whereas the others were from clickbait sites.

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Re: Doctor Who season 12/38

Post by James »

I've seen Gemma Whelan mentioned as the next Doctor. If they are casting a woman again (as seems likely) then this seems like a good choice.
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