Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

James Bond Jr., James Bond: The Duel, GoldenEye 007, James Bond 007, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough, 007 Racing, Agent Under Fire, The World is Not Enough, Nightfire, Everything or Nothing, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent, From Russia with Love
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John P. Drake
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by John P. Drake »

The Saint 007 wrote:
JackJamesBond007 wrote:
The Saint 007 wrote:
JackJamesBond007 wrote:
The Saint 007 wrote:The side-scrolling style might work better on a handheld, though. Either that or in the classic Zelda style of James Bond 007 on Game Boy, which people actually consider to be a pretty decent handheld Bond game. I remember in the late 1990's, James Bond 007 and GoldenEye 64 were always featured on the top charts in the Nintendo Power magazine. The thing is, if a company could establish a quality reputation for the Bond games on both the consoles and handhelds, then that would be awesome.
Good point with that, on handheld, it might look good. Specially on Nintendo 3DS, it would be awesome.
Yes, I was also thinking of the Nintendo 3DS as well. A side-scrolling or top-down style would probably be better for the handheld than a watered-down console port. The goal is to be as distant from Activision as possible, having a series of Bond games both on the consoles and a handheld (or handhelds) that offer unique/quality experiences.
I would love them to focus more on Windows PC, because we have three mindblowing games missing on that platform.
That's true. But it wouldn't hurt to occasionally release a cool handheld Bond game.

I guess I'll also add to this thread that I would like to see AI Bots in multiplayer again. If it was done years ago on the Nintendo 64, which most developers said was a difficult console to program for, then there should be no excuses why it can't be done now.
I'm really tired of developers focusing on Online Multiplayer mode, because it's killing the original formula for any title. Like Counter-Strike and many other classics, the AI bots SHOULD be included in there, and I'm really getting annoyed of this "online" trend. It's a game, not a Facebook community. When I want to play a game, I want to feel free playing it, not depend on someone else to join me so I can play it, it's really boring to death. However, not just handheld games, but all the current/active platforms should have the title with it all the specifications. But, my main focus is PC, because I play most of my games on PC, grown up using that platform, and rarely used a console.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by The Saint 007 »

JackJamesBond007 wrote:I'm really tired of developers focusing on Online Multiplayer mode, because it's killing the original formula for any title. Like Counter-Strike and many other classics, the AI bots SHOULD be included in there, and I'm really getting annoyed of this "online" trend. It's a game, not a Facebook community. When I want to play a game, I want to feel free playing it, not depend on someone else to join me so I can play it, it's really boring to death. However, not just handheld games, but all the current/active platforms should have the title with it all the specifications. But, my main focus is PC, because I play most of my games on PC, grown up using that platform, and rarely used a console.
I grew up with gaming on consoles/handhelds, the original Nintendo was the first console I got when I was around 5 years old. I do occasionally play games on my brother's laptop, because my old iMac computer just isn't great for gaming, but I'm primarily into console/handheld gaming.

And yes, I'm really tired of the constant focus of online gaming too. Don't get me wrong, online gaming isn't a bad thing, but developers are not handling it properly. Instead of using online gaming to add to the multiplayer experience, developers are doing the opposite. Many FPS games don't include AI Bots or even local multiplayer, because online is being forced down peoples throats. Having Bots and local multiplayer helps the game age better, and it provides people with more options, because not everyone wants to always play online, or may not have very good internet. Plus, what's going to happen when the servers eventually go down in the future?

Online multiplayer has also had a negative impact on the single player mode. The single player should be the main beef of the game, in my opinion. I don't believe in paying between $60 to $70 for a game that primarily focusses on multiplayer. With the Nintendo 64, the game cartridges could be quite costly. But when you bought a game like GoldenEye or Perfect Dark which offered good single and multiplayer modes, you got your moneys worth.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by Glorious England »

i also have to go PC for the "classic" first person shooter.

Do you know the real reasons why they slowed down the movement pace and added in Forced "Aim down Sites" and a 2 weapon limit to "modyrn" shooters, other than to appeal to newbies and make every true gamer nuke the cat in sheer anger and betrayal...?

well ill tell you, its to help the current "analoque" controllers cope, a fast paced complicated title, like a classic shooter, will NUKE a ps3 or 360 controller, they both have very innacurate solonoid operated inputs, and serious imput lags, of up to half a second between controller actuation and the consoles equally clumsy and outdated hardware responds, so they slowed the games down so the lag wouldnt be noticeable. and changed the mechanics for slower, more syrupy ones that wouldnt obliterate a modern controll pad, and just called it "making it moar realiztik", wich it isnt, far from it in fact. using the irons does not magically make a gun more controllable, if you cannot controll it from the shoulder, you will not be able to controll it in the irons either.

thats why, for a "proper" shooter, with a fast pace, "point shooting" based gameplay *the old run and straffe* (with Static crosshairs (think TSFP!) thank you, either standard or optional (ala NOLF) as dynamic ones (think Cod and co) make me dizzy to the point of throwing up) , and good old fashioned unlimited armoury, you either need a system with a very responsive and intuitive controller, and sadly, there isn't going to ever be one of those again, thanks to these silly "touch-pads".

Or a PC as the keyboard and mouse has an Instant controll response due to it being "digital" and the mouse is a precision instrument, they are far better for the faster pace of a classic game, allowing for more precise, instant controlls that can be confiqured to the individual players liking, not what some moron in burbank, california THINKS will be easiest for stoned skateboarders to use, as thats the consoles prime market, teenage. american. trolls..

And thats before we get to PC's other advantages like faster loading times (i know, still slow compared to an n64, as that was "instant" but, CD/DVD's/Hard Disk just cant Read as fast as a ram-cartridge plugged straight into the systems brainbox!), no overheating issues, (ive had THREE ps3s die from that, IN AS MANY YEARS! they had BETTER do the next gran turismo with a PC Port!) considerably higher hardware reliability, Better Graphics with Higher Frame rates and no "jaggies" thanks to a little something called "anti aliasing" (hey, you ever heard of that in HD (yeah, right, 720p is NOT HD!) console land?), thumpier sound, and an Older, more experienced audience that isnt going to melt down in a baby-ish "too hurd" tantrum on failtoob if you decide to use medkits instead of hand holding "GORY SCREEN! So real..." (sorry, couldnt get the actual duty calls quote past the censor bot!) regen rubbish.

its a vastly superior system hardware wise, with vastly more talented, descriminative and challenge hungry users, so i run on this for the future of the James Bond Videogames, if there is a future for them with all the damage craptivision has done....

2d sidescrollers for 3ds, possibly relaunches of the old domark games done up with fresher graphics, sounds and new levels, with maybe a sequal to "the duel" thrown in,.

And the main franhise being Classic/"Throwback" FPS developed Exclusivly for PC with a focus on Single player. .

No console ports considered, because i hounestly cannot see Consoles lasting more than another 9 months, i genuinely think the backlash from the DRM scandle over the "xbox durango" is going to kill the next gen of consoles, and about time too! they have too bigger share of the market, and its that, and the sheer number of casual gamers who use them (not all console users are casual by the way, but its a serious majority of them!) who wouldn't know a good game if it came up and sat on their heads, (if cry on doody is anything but one of the worst wastes of devleoper cash ever put on a disk, i am a very late norwegian parrot!) are the cause of this glut of over easy, sub par, badly made, lazily designed, multiplayer biased rubbish that is over-saturating the market and causing a state of player mailaise that will only result in another 1983.

consoles, the Modern Shooter, Non PC shooters, and casual gaming outside of mobile phones, myfaceisinabook, and handhelds, have, for the good of the games industry!

on online mutiplayer, i personally REFUSE to use it, it is full of angry, hostile trolls, punk "hackerz" with enough cheat-bots to sink a battleship, and is increasingly unreliable with ever multiplying server disconnect issues. not to mention the fact its made games now little more than a 2 hour tutorial for MP with a Storyline rejected by Micheal bay as "2 ridikkulus!". i refuse to pay more than 5 pounds for Anything with an SP shorter than 10 hours. and ill refuse to even PLAY any game that uses COD/Halo/GOW Style Gameplay no matter how long it is., as they are not worthy of my time because they are vastly inferior to games made twenty Years ago, thats just not acceptable, in anyones books, things are supposed to go forwards...but, gaming appears to be going the other way, and at warp speed. all because of "noobiez" "HD consoles" "Cry On Doody" and "socially connected multiplayer".

Theyve all got to go, and this is coming from someone who Started on a Console (a 2nd hand Nintendo NES,wich still works! by the way :D )! and currently has his n64 wired to his 40 inch HD lcd job. or gaming, let alone the bond games, wich may quite plausibly have been damaged beyond All repair by craptivision, has had it!.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by John P. Drake »

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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by Ernst Stavro Blofeld »

'You only live twice'. FPS with M-14s and other 1960[s] guns. Also, have the ability play either as Bond or Blofeld, but with different story endings.
Medikits, to restore health, body armor, gadgets and unlimited amount of everything you can carry. No Bizarre Physical Challenges[BPCs]Allow multiple ways to completes both tasks and missions. Fallout: New Vegas style save system.

Voice Cast:
James Bond: Pierce Brosnan.
Blofeld: Mike Meyers
Tiger Tanaka: Sonny Chiba
Q-Patrick Stewart
M-Judi Dench
Blond SPECTRE Henchman as Bond's counterpart: Chris Evans,
SPECTRE volcano base commander: Sonny Puzakis.
Others are negotiable.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by Kristatos »

Welcome to the forum, Mr Blofeld.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by John P. Drake »

Ernst Stavro Blofeld wrote:'You only live twice'. FPS with M-14s and other 1960[s] guns. Also, have the ability play either as Bond or Blofeld, but with different story endings.
Medikits, to restore health, body armor, gadgets and unlimited amount of everything you can carry. No Bizarre Physical Challenges[BPCs]Allow multiple ways to completes both tasks and missions. Fallout: New Vegas style save system.
Sir, you really know your onions very well. Well said. That would be one hell of a throwback to the 90s retro shooters.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by Ernst Stavro Blofeld »

I really don't why we can't have both video games and computers set in all Bond worlds, but released simultaneously. After all the only Bond I really didn't like[of the classic era]was the 1981 one. Because killing Blofeld Classic reduced the Roger Moore 007 to a punk any 4th grader at Clay Elementary could stab to death. James Bond is guns, gadgets, girls, and classy bad guys.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by John P. Drake »

Ernst Stavro Blofeld wrote: James Bond is guns, gadgets, girls, and classy bad guys.
That's what the modern day audience disclaims. Preach brother!
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by John P. Drake »

Has anyone heard Nightfire is being remastered on Source engine?
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by The Saint 007 »

John P. Drake wrote:Has anyone heard Nightfire is being remastered on Source engine?
I believe you mentioned something about the Nightfire Source project here before. It's cool, but at the same time I do find it a bit odd for a Source version of Nightfire to be made, seeing as it's one of the more recent Bond games.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by Omega »

That would be strange.

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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by John P. Drake »

The Saint 007 wrote:
John P. Drake wrote:Has anyone heard Nightfire is being remastered on Source engine?
I believe you mentioned something about the Nightfire Source project here before. It's cool, but at the same time I do find it a bit odd for a Source version of Nightfire to be made, seeing as it's one of the more recent Bond games.
I personally have tested the alpha version. They're including some racing elements in the game, as well, while keeping it as classic as 90s shooters.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by Kristatos »

I think there should be a Quantum of Solace game that's virtually unplayable, as you can't see what's going on.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by The Saint 007 »

Kristatos wrote:I think there should be a Quantum of Solace game that's virtually unplayable, as you can't see what's going on.
And then have the Angry Video Game Nerd review it. :mrgreen:
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by John P. Drake »

The Saint 007 wrote:
Kristatos wrote:I think there should be a Quantum of Solace game that's virtually unplayable, as you can't see what's going on.
And then have the Angry Video Game Nerd review it. :mrgreen:
Who's better than Ben "Yahtzee" Crosshaw? I mean, he certainly and accurately reviews a video game. A reliable bloke.
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Re: Next Bond Video Game: Your Choice?

Post by The Saint 007 »

John P. Drake wrote:
The Saint 007 wrote:
Kristatos wrote:I think there should be a Quantum of Solace game that's virtually unplayable, as you can't see what's going on.
And then have the Angry Video Game Nerd review it. :mrgreen:
Who's better than Ben "Yahtzee" Crosshaw? I mean, he certainly and accurately reviews a video game. A reliable bloke.
To be honest, I never really cared too much for his reviews. Along with the AVGN, another comical game reviewer I like is JonTron. His review of Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts is one of my favourites.
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