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Re: Brexit

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

bjmdds wrote:Your London Muslim mayor wants his city to break away from the UK now :!: What kind of a moron did they put in office? Another DeBlasio from NYC who will be a term disgrace here?
I think being a moron is a qualification for the job of London Mayor. :twisted: I think some of the Remain camp are bad losers. It they had won by 0.5% they would not be complaining.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Kristatos »

So, to sum up (courtesy of Andrew Lodder on Facebook):

Our first day of independence has gone just swimmingly:

1. Nigel Farage went on the tele and retracted the (false) claim that we send £350 million per week to the EU that would now be re-directed to the NHS and said Vote Leave should never have made that commitment to voters in the first place. Yesterday, this commitment was on the side of Vote Leave busses across the country. Exit polling indicates additional funding for the NHS was cited as a reason for leaving by nearly 80% of leave voters.
2. Daniel Hannan MEP retracted the (false) claim that leaving the EU will lead to drastically reduced immigration into Britain. Exit polling indicates this was the second most cited reason voters gave for leaving the EU. Would have been nice if Vote Leave had bothered to be honest with voters about both of these matters before today.
3. S&P, the only rating agency still giving the UK a AAA credit rating, confirms it has placed that rating under review for downgrade. It appears a downgrade is much more likely than not. Borrowing costs to fund Britain’s large deficit are set to increase markedly.
4. Sterling collapsed to its lowest level against the USD in three decades, the biggest single day drop in the history of the currency. It is the third biggest single day drop in any currency ever. It is currently $1.36, down an incredible 13 cents against the dollar in less than 24 hours from a high of $1.49 yesterday.
5. Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, has said a second independence referendum is “highly likely”. Scots will likely vote on dismembering the United Kingdom in the next few years, which will fuel uncertainty and economic turmoil.
6. Sinn Fein and various others in Northern Ireland call for a border poll on reunification.
7. Spain calls for co-sovereignty over Gibraltar.
8. More than £1.5 trillion in wealth was wiped out across global markets in just a few hours this morning, the single greatest wealth destroying event in stock market history. That's 187 years’ worth of British contributions to the EU. Seems worth it to get that money back from Brussels though.
9. The FTSE 100 (largely multinationals) fell more than 8% and the FTSE 250 (which reflects mostly British firms rather than multinationals) fell more than 12%. Both steadied after Mark Carney declared that the Bank of England would not hesitate to intervene to instil stability, the same sort of intervention that Mario Draghi had to make to save the Euro during the Greek crisis and that the G7 had to make to save the global economy after the collapse of Lehman. Brexit is an event that ranks alongside those crises in terms of effects on global markets.
10. Ultimately, the FTSE 100 finished down 3% and the FTSE 250 down 7%. Hundreds of billions of pounds has been wiped off people’s ISAs and pension funds. Banks in particular have been hammered.
11. David Cameron resigned without mapping out any plan for implementing the results of the referendum. Boris Johnson is odds on favourite to be our next Prime Minister. In October.
12. Labour MPs have moved for a vote of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn which will be considered by the party on Monday.
13. The presidents of the European Council, Commission and Parliament told us to invoke Article 50 and leave as soon as possible and the settlement negotiated by David Cameron earlier this year is now void.
14. Nigel Farage, who earlier claimed that independence was achieved "without a single bullet being fired", just called for UK gun laws to be relaxed, one week after Jo Cox was murdered on the street in broad daylight. With a gun.
15. Numerous reports of immigrants, and native Britons who happen to be brown, being told to “go back home” in the street and on the Tube, the vote to leave apparently having been taken by some as an indication that most of the country now thinks this sort of thing is acceptable, rather than profoundly un-British and utterly awful.

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Re: Brexit

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

Funny article by Julie Burchill. ... on-ponces/

The Brexit divide wasn’t between young and old, but Ponces and Non-Ponces

Ever since Friday’s Glorious Victory, one of the chief recreation activities of we Brexiters of a childish bent has been the Taunting Of The Remnants, mostly online. ‘How are you comforting yourself?’ one Facebook post asked. ‘In the usual way – with the tears of the vanquished,’ I replied. ONLY ONE LIKE!

For self-proclaimed ‘progressives’, what a bunch of doom-mongering, curtain-twitching, tut-tutting stick-in-the-muds they’ve proved to be! For this Remnant Zombie Army, out to do in our brains with their bed-wetting ways and bleats for more referenda until they get the result they want, everything that goes wrong over the next few months – the weather, the football – will be Brexit’s fault. And yes, it will be irksome at a time when this country needs to put its best foot forward and proceed with the merry dance of freedom. But I’m not worried that they’ll do us much harm in the long run – because, basically, they’re such a bunch of ponces.

We have been told that the vote – and the nation – is divided between rich and poor and young and old but frankly I believe that the biggest divide was between Ponces (Remain) and Non-Ponces (Leave). When I use the word ‘ponce’ I refer not to the gayers (bless ‘em) but to people who really believe that they are inherently better than others. I found this pleasing definition online:


ponce about/around

British informal. Behave in an affected or ineffectual way:

‘I ponced around in front of the mirror’


ponce something up

British informal. Make overly elaborate and unnecessary changes to something in an attempt to improve it:

‘They would not let the food alone, they had to ponce it up in some way or other.’

I’m using Ponce in a class-war way, I suppose. Reading between the lines regarding the contempt Remain had for the white working-class, I had a feeling that as soon as Brexit scented victory the C-word would not be long in coming. And sure enough in the Sunday Times account of Glastonbury, ‘’The chavs have won, mate,’ one cut-glass raver told his mate. ‘I’m already looking into dual citizenship.’’ Elsewhere in the paper a Brighton Remnant commented ‘If you give a vote to every man and his dog, you have to be prepared for the answer you get.’ WELCOME TO CHAV BRITAIN was a friend of a friend’s FB status the morning of the result.

The snowflakes quickly began demanding that London – Ponce Central – be allowed to secede from the rest of this churlish isle, with just a unicorn-shuttle-service to keep them connected to Scotland. The prospect of getting shot of 99 per cent of man-buns and clean-eaters in one fell swoop was almost parasexually thrilling, but as Suzanne Moore pointed out in an excellent piece in the Guardian, what did these Little Londoners plan to do with the whopping 40 per cent of Londoners who voted Leave? There are two nations in London itself, one doing the dirty work of the other, unseen and unheard – and nowhere is safe now from the wrath of the wraiths.

As well as the Passport To Pimlico Ponces, we had the legions of sobbing Remnant Child Ponces who were all doing a very good impersonation of Violet Elizabeth Bott if the Facebook updates of their doting, if distressed, parents were anything to go by:

‘Stella asked me this morning, Mama I can see you are sad, what happened?’

I had no idea how to explain it to her, and so my little daughter who is oblivious to the implications on her future, cuddled and stroked me, reducing me to tears.

I promise you Stella and Sven, we will do whatever is necessary to ensure that you have a free, open future full of colourful opportunities.

This is my pledge to you. This is my job as your parent.

You can safely trust me.’

I also enjoyed the status which informed me that a little Remnant boy called ‘Rufus” had bleated ‘I’m scared of the future, Mummy’; he’s scared of the future because she called him Rufus, obvs. When an awful Tory Remnant M.P told the story of how his ‘half-German’ son burst into tears on hearing the result, my delight was complete. British Democracy: Making Children Cry Since 1918.

During the course of this splendid campaign, every Ponce in Christendom seems to have stuck his patrician nose about the parapet, sniffed the Great Unwashed and called on the waddling geese of Strasbourg to stand between them and us ruffians. Luvvies and musicians (acting and music being two former escape routes for we chavs now colonised by public school spawn) of course, identity politics social justice warriors (writing the most currently disadvantaged people around – white working class males – out of history, one gripe at a time) naturally. And Eddie Izzard! There have never been a greater number of people I’ve loathed who have been made to cry all at once.

It’s like being a kid again. My friend Karl – a gay Welsh working-class self-made multi-millionaire socialist Brexiter living in Brighton: make a pie chart out of that, pollsters! – said to me on victory morning ‘It’s really exciting, like when Labour won an election when we were young!’ The Remnants will never understand that, and that’s another reason why they’re so out of touch. Yes, maybe our side are motivated by a desire to shake things up, but what’s so bad about that?

Like a lot of celebrity grief-mongering, I can’t help thinking that a lot of those currently *mourning* are actually mourning their own dashed dreams – dashed due to their own personal limitations – and projecting this onto a grander scenario. Prince, Bowie, Pinky and Perky – THE EUROPEAN DREAM! Well – like poor Rufus – they’ve really got something to cry about now. It is widely accepted that Brexit happened because the people of England and Wales – the chavs, townies, Tommies – no longer felt like holding patiently still and taking the punches of outrageous fortune and cheap foreign labour, as they have been trained to do, but rather turned around and finally served it to the Establishment. The pathetic petulance which has come from the Remnants in the face of this victory stems from the fact that many of those who prided themselves on being progressive were, actually, differently-styled parts of the Establishment all along. We have finally called them out on this – as well as on being cowards, and conservatives – and, of course, as right royal ponces.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Goldeneye »

The EU leaders trying to be punitive "make the UK suffer for their choice" is exactly why people are hesitant to make a commitment to the EU.
I do believe the UK will be in better standing to make arrangements for trade and travel the bluster by the politicians should fold as the reality hits of the EU side losing income and taxes. But this all has to play out with cooler heads in charge. The EU & UK politicians have a reason to be shocked, their entire political philosophy was repudiated at the election box I don't think have thought out the possibilities going forward all they could see was the status quo.

Watching all the fallout from this is a vision of what it will be like in November if Trump wins. All the establishment players press included will be beside themselves and never question why they were out of touch.
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Re: Brexit

Post by carl stromberg »

It's the Conservative leadership election today to choose the new Prime Minister. Could we have another female PM - another Margaret Thatcher?
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Re: Brexit

Post by Kristatos »

Well, the two leading candidates are both female.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

That strange man Michael Gove could still make the last two. :evil:
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Re: Brexit

Post by Kristatos »

Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:That strange man Michael Gove could still make the last two. :evil:
I don't know how. I would have thought his machinations against Boris Johnson would have turned the entire party against him. Nobody likes a backstabber.
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Re: Brexit

Post by bjmdds »

bjmdds wrote:Stock market is such BS. It will be fine in 4 weeks and the UK will be a better place to live in throwing out migrant freeloaders.
The stock markets are back to normal, as we thought. Overreaction was evident.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Goldeneye »

Tony Blair is out and about saying Britain can halt Brexit. I'm not so sure. I thought the economic dip after the initial vote had turned around and things were looking up for Britain.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

Goldeneye wrote:Tony Blair is out and about saying Britain can halt Brexit. I'm not so sure. I thought the economic dip after the initial vote had turned around and things were looking up for Britain.
It can still be stopped. There have been many votes in referendums against the various treaties creating a United States of Europe in Denmark, Ireland, France etc. The EU create a few opt outs and then have another vote. Those who want a united Europe hope the negotiations for exit drag on for years then Britain can another vote on whether to stay in with a few opt outs on topics such as immigration.
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Re: Brexit

Post by bjmdds »

The Gatestone Institute reports Sunday on the striking rate of closures of churches in the United Kingdom’s capital city, a trend mirrored elsewhere in Europe, and the blooming number of mosques that have been established in their stead. :shock:

Reporting on the change in religious observation in London, the Gatestone Institute writes:

“London is more Islamic :shock: than many Muslim countries put together”, according to Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, one of the Islamic preachers who now lead “Londonistan”, as the journalist Melanie Phillips has called the English capital. No, Rizvi is not a right-wing extremist. Wole Soyinka, a Nobel Laureate for Literature, was less generous; he called the UK “a cesspit for Islamists”.

“Terrorists can not stand London multiculturalism”, London’s mayor Sadiq Khan said after the recent deadly terror attack at Westminster. The opposite is true: British multiculturalists are feeding Islamic fundamentalism. Above all, Londonistan, with its new 423 mosques, is built on the sad ruins of English Christianity.

The Hyatt United Church was bought by the Egyptian community to be converted to a mosque. St Peter’s Church has been converted into the Madina Mosque. The Brick Lane Mosque was built on a former Methodist church. Not only buildings are converted, but also people. The number of converts to Islam has doubled; often they embrace radical Islam, as with Khalid Masood, the terrorist who struck Westminster.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Omega »

One thing unsaid is who is paying for these mosques. It people like the Saudi, they will not take the refuges or others in but bill pay billions to establish mosques in western countries.

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Re: Brexit

Post by bjmdds »

England’s first state-funded Muslim secondary schools – that segregated boys and girls and had books promoting domestic violence and marital rape – is to be taken over by the Government. :shock: :down: What a way to live :!:
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Re: Brexit

Post by bjmdds »

Mayor of London ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Rochdale ... MUSLIM

Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques

Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts

Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
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Re: Brexit

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Mayor of London ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Rochdale ... MUSLIM
This is a highly deceptive list, clearly designed to provoke panic about a Muslim takeover of the UK. In most English cities, lord mayor is a mostly ceremonial position, awarded on a rotating basis to local councillors. The only cities on that list which have directly elected mayors with real political power are London and Sheffield, and the latter currently has a vacancy for the position of mayor, so the claim that the mayor is a Muslim is false. maybe the lord mayor is, I didn't go through the whole list to check. I did see that the current lord mayor of Birmingham is not a Muslim, as far as I can tell, though the chap who held the office two years ago had a Muslim-sounding name. I suspect that whoever compiled this list ( probably James O'Keefe or some similarly reputable journalist) simply listed every city that has ever had a Muslim lord mayor in order to make it look like all these cities were "ruled" by Muslims at the same time.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

My Doctor is a Muslim - they are taking over!!!! :twisted:
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Re: Brexit

Post by bjmdds »

The head of the Polish National Security Office has announced that the country will not be taking in Muslim migrants after the latest terror attacks in Spain saying poorly integrated Muslim communities allow terrorism to fester. :shock:
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