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Re: President Trump?

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Re: President Trump?

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Re: President Trump?

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INVESTIGATORS REVEAL THAT Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik — the Muslim couple who stormed a county social services office in San Bernardino, Calif., yesterday morning killing 14 at an office gathering, before dying hours later in a shootout with police — had an ample arsenal of high-power weapons, ammo and explosive devices, in addition to running an 'IED factory' out of their home. The FBI still is not ready to call them terrorists, as it examines computer and cell phone equipment taken from the couple's home.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:The FBI still is not ready to call them terrorists, as it examines computer and cell phone equipment taken from the couple's home.
Isn't this the normal way of determining who is and isn't a terrorist?
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

British MPs will have to consider debating a petition to block United States Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump from entering the country.

By Wednesday afternoon, the "Block Donald J Trump from UK entry" petition had been signed by more than 250,000 people.

Having received more than 100,000 signatures, the petition now has to be considered for debate by parliament and will require a written government response.

"The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech," the petition reads. "The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.........really? I thought you believed in free speech in the UK?
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:
"The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech," the petition reads. "The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.........really? I thought you believed in free speech in the UK?
Well, it's long been established that there are limits to free speech (shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre etc). And as the petition says, individuals have been barred from entering the UK before for hate speech, such as radical Muslim preachers and neo-Nazis. The law says that any petition that reaches over a certain number of signatures has to be debated in parliament. Sometimes, this law leads to some quite frivolous stuff being debated. It doesn't necessarily mean that Il Douche is going to be refused entry, just that it will be discussed. As I said, he wouldn't be the first fascist to be banned from these shores, but the fact that he may be the next president of the United States probably means that he will get treated more favourably than if he were just some holocaust denying historian coming to plug his new self-published book to an audience of skinheads.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Fascist Kris? Where do you get this stuff in your beliefs? "Sanchez" knows his onions :!: ------>
Robert Davi: Donald Trump is the John Wayne of Politics
by ROBERT DAVI 30 Nov 2015:
"I cannot sit back and listen to the media continually outright defame Donald Trump. I will not remain silent any longer.
I am watching the pundits and media hosts continually bash Donald Trump and call him a liar over his claim that Muslims in New Jersey were cheering and celebrating over the Towers coming down. I watched Chuck Todd get apoplectic while interviewing Trump and almost demand that Trump admit he lied about the incident. Then on CNN, Katrina vanden Heuvel suggested the media must hold Trump accountable for lying. Actually she kept saying Bush, but then corrected herself. It seemed as if she was in a time warp. She probably was since she did her thesis on McCarthy and is still reeling that McCarthy was 99 percent correct in fingering the communists in our government. Anyway, she displayed a venom and hatred for lying. Bravo, Katrina. Now how about being duplicitous?

The absurd thing in all this is if Trump can be accused of anything it’s exaggeration, not lying. I myself remember hearing reports and seeing footage both here and overseas of some reactions to the Towers coming down that were not expressions of sympathy for the victims. While we may say the majority of our Muslim brothers and sisters did not celebrate, some actually did. Recall the footage we recently witnessed of the soccer game in Turkey when a moment of silence turned into a massive amount of people shouting “Allahu Akbar.” Do you think folks may forget seeing that in 14 years? I know of things I will never write about because it is too inflammatory, but I will say this, if you haven’t seen Steve Emerson’s 1994 PBS Frontline documentary called “Terrorists Among Us: Jihad in America,” perhaps you should. It is a clear indication all is not peace and ice cream inside some of the mosques in America.

Getting back to Katrina and her insistence on media not letting candidates lie, this statement by her and all the vitriol we see from the media because of Trump is a wonderful thing to behold. Why didn’t she demand that President Obama, who lied to us about being able to keep our doctors and healthcare plans under Obamacare, be held accountable with the same vehemence she does for Trump? Or what about the President denying his involvement with Bill Ayers or the Reverend Wright and “God d**n America,” or Benghazi, etc.? Lie after lie after lie and not a peep from Katrina. Why? Why are they making such an issue out of something that did happened to some extent and not about the lies of the left?

We should thank God that Trump is in this race. The media and the establishment are terrified. They all have their instructions and they are in lockstep. You see, my dear fellow Americans, if Trump wins the gig is up. He will set back the destruction of America, and the globalists are in a panic. They paint Trump and his supporters as racist and uneducated. Well, guess what – I am neither and I know quite a few people who are for Trump. Some will not openly come out and say they support him because they’re afraid of being falsely labeled by some here in Hollywood.

The pathetic attack that Kasich took with his Super PAC ad trying to equate Trump with Hitler is disgusting. It’s essentially saying that those of us who support Trump are Nazis as well. Kasich, by the way, is a huge supporter of Common Core, as is Jeb Bush. Trump rejects Common Core. Kasich likes to boast of his education record in Ohio, but he had to doctor the results to get that record. Kasich had his state “interpret” the Common Core test scores differently than other states in order to “inflate the performance” of Ohio students. Have you heard the media call him out for this? Kasich needs to drop out.

Nothing will change in America with Kasich or any of these other candidates. Nothing. It will slow down a bit or get worse, but the current direction will continue until there is nothing left of this country. We will have a multicultural hellhole that eventually will be destroyed. The last line of defense is Donald Trump. With his brash, politically incorrect posturing, Donald Trump is holding a mirror up to the hypocrisy that has become America – a drug addicted, weak, and rudderless nation fluttering on the brink of being dismantled from within.

For too long the media and educational system has blanketed the nation, like a colossal fog, deceptively leading us to the slaughter. Every time I hear the media say, “Well, that isn’t American,” when people speak of wanting to control the unassimilated flow of immigrants, I want to answer, “It isn’t American when those sucking off the tit of our nation do not respect it enough to want to assimilate.” The country is being raped by those on the left and right who are not demanding immigrants assimilate. The liberal media wants the establishment to further bury this nation. When Khrushchev said, “We will bury you,” little did we think it would be the left and right in America colluding to bury us.

Trump is the only one who has continually challenged the media, and that now has rubbed off on other candidates. He has empowered others. The difference is in authenticity. Trump leads the pack and sets the agenda. The others follow.

So while Obama is blaming the media for the rise of ISIS and propagating the global warming argument, and while some in the media are agreeing with his assessment just so he doesn’t appear incompetent in his response to terrorism, they are holding Trump accountable for their misrepresentation and deceit. What a twisted world we are living in. Cole Porter’s song “Anything Goes” was never more relevant.

If Ronald Reagan was the Gary Cooper of politics, Trump is the John Wayne. So, pilgrim, I’d rather have a President Trump who tells it like it is than a deceiver who feeds us sugarcoated poison at bedtime, only to have us wake up dead."
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

UK Cop: ‘There Are Areas We Have To Ask Muslim Leaders’ Permission To Patrol’

A British policeman has hit back at the UK political establishment’s trashing of U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s comments about policing in the United Kingdom, stating that there are some areas in the country where cops have to ask permission from local Muslim leaders in order to patrols.

Earlier this week, Mr. Trump claimed there are areas of the UK “so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives” – a statement initially mocked by the British Prime Minister, the Mayor of London, and even the supposedly apolitical Metropolitan Police of London.

But Breitbart London soon confirmed with London police that the comments were more or less accurate, with one long-serving policeman saying: “When I was a teenage lad in urnley there were no go white areas. This IS the case still nationally… including London where you have to have extra vigilance in certain parts when you are working”.

Now the Daily Mail has reported that a Lancashire Police officer has said: “There are Muslim areas of Preston that, if we wish to patrol, we have to contact local Muslim community leaders to get their permission”.

Another officer from Yorkshire in the North of England, wrote on an online Police web forum: “I’m not allowed to travel in half blues [uniform] to work anymore IN MY OWN CAR as we’re “All at risk of attack” – yet as soon as someone points out the obvious it’s ‘divisive.'”

He added: “In this instance he [Trump] isn’t wrong. Our political leaders are best either ill-informed or simply being disingenuous.

“He’s pointed out something that is plainly obvious, something which I think we aren’t as a nation willing to own up to – do you think a US Police Department would ban officers from wearing their uniforms under jackets etc due to FEAR of their cops being killed by extremists? -------Robert Davi and Chazz Paminterri both verified that they were told to avoid areas in the UK governed by Muslims.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Fascist Kris? Where do you get this stuff in your beliefs?
Hmmm...let's see: a narcissistic demagogue who believes he has a special destiny to restore his country to greatness; who wants to strip a religious minority of their constitutional rights; and who believes that might makes right and the weak are "losers". Nope, you're right. Nothing even remotely fascist about that. I'm sure all those white supremacists are endorsing him purely because they like his hair.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Listen to Sanchez. He won't steer you wrong. You cannot travel to certain areas of your country any longer it appears from your police statements............also, Swiss authorities said Saturday that two people of Syrian origin had been arrested on suspicion of transporting "explosives and toxic gases" as part of a probe into a terror threat.

The two suspects arrested Friday are accused of the "manufacture, concealment and transport of explosives and toxic gases", the federal prosecutor's office said in a statement.

They are also under suspicion of violating Swiss law prohibiting "groups like Al-Qaeda, Islamic State and similar organisations", it added.

Several Swiss media reported Friday that two people had been arrested in the Geneva region and that traces of explosives were found in their car, as the western city remained on alert due to an increased jihadist threat...................And an 18-year-old named Faisal Mohammad “had a smile on his face” as he stabbed four people at a University of California campus in Merced, according to witnesses. He was shot and killed by campus police officers who responded to the school after hearing about the attack. The incident occurred on the morning of November 4 in the town of Merced, just over 100 miles west of San Jose. A statement from the school said that the attack happened outdoors on the campus in front of the Classroom and Office Building. Later it emerged that the stabbing began inside of a classroom and spilled out into the front of the building.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

[video][/video] Image Muslim Faisal Mohammad stabs 5 people
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

Claims of no-go areas in Preston "absolute tosh", say Lancashire police
The claims originate from some anonymous forum post by someone claiming to be a Lancashire police officer, but anyone can pretend to be anything on the Internet.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

West Long Branch, NJ – The latest Monmouth University Poll finds Donald Trump building a commanding national lead in the race for the Republican nomination. Ted Cruz is slightly ahead of Ben Carson and Marco Rubio in the second tier, while all other candidates poll well below 5 percent. When Republicans and Republican-leaning voters are asked who they would support for the GOP nomination for president, Donald Trump leads the pack at 41%. Ted Cruz (14%), Marco Rubio (10%), and Ben Carson (9%) are far behind. All of the other ten candidates tested poll in the low single digits, including Jeb Bush (3%), John Kasich (3%), Chris Christie (2%), Carly Fiorina (2%), Mike Huckabee (2%), and Rand Paul (2%). All but Huckabee have been invited to the main stage for tomorrow’s debate.
The results represent a big jump in Trump’s support and a rearrangement of the deck chairs in the second tier. After polling between 26% and 30% in Monmouth polls throughout the late summer and fall, Trump’s showing has increased by 13 points from his 28% result in mid-October. Cruz and Rubio have each gained 4 points over the same period, while Carson’s support has dropped by 9 points. “It has become abundantly clear that Trump is giving his supporters exactly what they want, even if what he says causes the GOP leadership and many Republican voters to cringe” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute in West Long Branch, NJ.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

A Fox News poll shows Trump has the support of 33 percent of likely primary voters in the Granite State, an increase of 6 points since November. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) comes in second with 15 percent, with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has 12 percent.

Following behind them is Jeb Bush with 9 percent, Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) with 7 percent, Ben Carson at 4 percent and Carly Fiorina at 3 percent.

Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.), who was expected to surge in New Hampshire after winning an endorsement from an influential newspaper in the state, tied with Sen. Rand Paul at 5 percent.

Meanwhile, in the Democratic contest, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is the favorite of 50 percent of primary voters in the state, which is a 5-point increase since November. Hillary Clinton, the front-runner nationally, saw a 7 point drop in the same amount of time, down to 37 percent.
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Re: President Trump?

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Oh my god! Are people going crazy to consider Trump seriously for president? I'd would like to apologize to DC comics was openly mocking the president Luthor story. When Trump first pulled ahead in the poll I seriously thought he bought the poll results, eventually it was clear he was not buying them, I hope these polls do not reflect the way people will vote. But I'm afraid we will be talking about incoming Trump administration this time next year.

Basically Obama makes Trump possible, but we do not have a good record in voting in qualified competent leaders, Jimmy Carter? Clinton no way he should have had a shot, George W Bush nice guy to have a beer with but a world leader? Obama We knew nothing about him aside from slogans and historic nature of his election. Trump I think might be able to bluster his way out of any situation long enough to win.

Do any remember how Jeb Bush was the chosen one? He toyed with running and not running like he was some sort of gift to the electorate, Romney announced he would run again to shake Jeb up to make sure he had the fire in his belly to fight for this. One reality tv star was able to shut him down like nobody's business. Funny thing is family in Florida had positive impression of him back when he was Governor and his brother President, everyone though the wrong Bush had been elected because Jeb was the better choice. Watching Jeb now I think proves that a lie. Our Florida family can't believe these guy running for president is the same guy they had as governor, he seems so out of touch is troubling.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Hello No :!: Have you been busy the past 6 weeks? Are you voting for Hillary instead? Trump will easily get the nomination after Iowa passes. Trump can do no worse than the current bums that created the mess the USA has been in for the past 20 years. He might even pleasantly surprise you. Outsiders with no obligatory donors are what the people want. Hillary is a disgrace and insiders think she could be indicted if Oh-Bama gives Lynch the OK to do it, then Biden would step in, as Oh-bama wants.
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Re: President Trump?

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Do you think that if the party rank and file chooses Trump as the nominee, the GOP establishment would organise some sort of coup to replace him with someone more acceptable (to them)? And if that were to happen, do you think he'd run as an independent?
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Re: President Trump?

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The 'establishment' Republicans and the right wing conservative commentators like Rich Lowery, Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, George Will, Hugh Hewitt, Glen Beck, etc., will do anything to derail Trump. Trump will render them useless and they are scared stiff to lose their power status in the media. I hate all of these elitist snobs, who desire cheap labor via illegal immigration and wars everywhere and think they are the mainstream here. They are not :!: Liberals and conservatives will be shown the door this November hopefully and Trump has exposed them all as corrupt bums who influence politicians and pull their strings. These so-called experts with experience have ruined the USA. It truly is time for a change :!: If Trump wins the nomination and they block his win, there will be a riot in this country that will make the million man march look like a summer picnic, trust me :!: Working class people are fed up with what is going on here with illegals getting more benefits than those who legally work here. Enough :!:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Dr. No »

bjmdds wrote:Hello No :!: Have you been busy the past 6 weeks? Are you voting for Hillary instead? Trump will easily get the nomination after Iowa passes. Trump can do no worse than the current bums that created the mess the USA has been in for the past 20 years. He might even pleasantly surprise you. Outsiders with no obligatory donors are what the people want. Hillary is a disgrace and insiders think she could be indicted if Oh-Bama gives Lynch the OK to do it, then Biden would step in, as Oh-bama wants.
I find Trump repugnant is all. Can't support a person like Hillary either. All we need to show the system is broken is Obama was supposed to be an outsider too he was all too quick to make Wall Street, corporations, and insurance companies happy.

Everyone is upset with the current government we had for the last 20 years both parties are reduced to pandering for future voting blocks ignoring problems and spending like there is no tomorrow. I still do not get why Trump is the solution, I guess the chosen ones Jeb Bush and Hillary are the root cause. Maybe Hillary should pick Jeb as her running mate. If she avoids jail.
Chief of Staff, 007's gone round the bend. Says someone's been trying to feed him a poisoned banana. Fellow's lost his nerve. Been in the hospital too long. Better call him home.
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