Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by The Sweeney »

Kristatos wrote:
The Sweeney wrote: In QoS, we stray shamlessly back into Brosnan territory again once too often.
I don't recall Brosnan's Bond exhibiting such superhuman strength. Even in DAD, Bond suffered consequences from his torture, even if he did recover rather more quickly than he did in CR.
I guess I meant more to do with the realism aspect. I really cannot stand the infamous parasurfing scene in DAD due to the fact that that it goes beyond the bounds of realism....and I find the freefall scene in QoS to be similar.

As for Brosnan showing superhuman feats....I find the whole stopping the heartbeat scene in hospital, then miraculously springing to action, absolutely ridiculous - especially considering what he had supposedly just been through for several months.

Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by katied »

The hospital scene in DAD isn't realistic.It should have been more like his recovery in CR.
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Omega »

The DAD heart scene is more believable than the CR car heart scene, CR parkour, CR embassy, CR poker where he wins the car, QOS flipping the bike, QOS car chase in the opening, QOS you fill in the blank. Thing about the DAD heart scene and the torture in the opening is we have room to believe Bond was trained to stop his heart just like he was trained for everything else he did 20 movies prior. The torture didn't require a hospitalization because of it was done with the specific intent of keeping him able and dragging it out. TWIN had Bond hurt in the opening and he stayed hurt he didn't rip the nail out of his shoulder and keep fighting, in fact he was so hurt he wasn't fit for duty and to prove it he slept with Denise Richards. :lol:
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by The Sweeney »

Omega wrote:The DAD heart scene is more believable than the CR car heart scene, CR parkour, CR embassy, CR poker where he wins the car, QOS flipping the bike, QOS car chase in the opening, QOS you fill in the blank. Thing about the DAD heart scene and the torture in the opening is we have room to believe Bond was trained to stop his heart just like he was trained for everything else he did 20 movies prior. The torture didn't require a hospitalization because of it was done with the specific intent of keeping him able and dragging it out.
Don't agree whatsoever. I find that scene in DAD probably one of the most implausable moments in the entire franchise. It's right down there at the bottom of the barrel of all that is bad with the franchise, along with double-taking pigeons, gondolas on wheels, CGI surfing, invisible cars, Tarzan yells, etc.

No human would be in such peak physical condition after 9 months of torture. Yes, the long ordeal was meant to be dragged out to keep him alive - that was the only objective. Not to allow him to be in such a physical peak that he could stop his heartbeat at the drop of a hat.

What's more, is it even possible for anyone to control the beating of their heart anyway? I seriously doubt it is....forgetting the fact that he had been under months and months of severe torture, and should have been down to 7 stone in weight - at least!

I think even Brando's Jor El would be shaking his head in disbelief if his son had told him tales of achieving this on planet earth....
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Captain Nash »

Agreed Sweenster.
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Kristatos »

I tend to agree as well. I could have done without that scene. I know DAD was supposed to be a tribute movie, but the heart-stopping trick comes from Flint, not Bond. We can argue over how realistic or otherwise a Bond film should be, but the character of Bond should at least have some degree of consistency and not suddenly develop new abilities whenever the writers feel like it.
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by katied »

What's more, is it even possible for anyone to control the beating of their heart anyway? I seriously doubt it is....forgetting the fact that he had been under months and months of severe torture, and should have been down to 7 stone in weight - at least!
Yeah, I call bullsh!t on that..he would be skin and bones,not ripped like our Governator! :lol:
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Alessandra »

katied wrote:
What's more, is it even possible for anyone to control the beating of their heart anyway? I seriously doubt it is....forgetting the fact that he had been under months and months of severe torture, and should have been down to 7 stone in weight - at least!
Yeah, I call bullsh!t on that..he would be skin and bones,not ripped like our Governator! :lol:
Agreed it wasn't realistic in the slightest, BUT it still bothers me FAR LESS than Mathis being thrown into a dumpster or being like Spiderman and Rambo combined jumping from roofs. It is one thing to have one scene that is unrealistic but fits the "hero" concept, it is another to have entire action sequences like that throughout the WHOLE movie AND to have Bond to something that is totally and completely out of character for him. Not to mention absolutely unnecessary and gratuitous. As was the rape thing in QoS as well. That's not what Bond movies have ever been about. And that's not who James Bond is. I can take ONE stupidly unrealistic scene in a movie, fine he's a hero, he heals as if nothing was, all movies do that. But not entire scenes where he acts like a ninja cartoon plus Superman or scenes that are gratuitous and out of character for him.
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by The Sweeney »

Ale wrote:
katied wrote:
What's more, is it even possible for anyone to control the beating of their heart anyway? I seriously doubt it is....forgetting the fact that he had been under months and months of severe torture, and should have been down to 7 stone in weight - at least!
Yeah, I call bullsh!t on that..he would be skin and bones,not ripped like our Governator! :lol:
Agreed it wasn't realistic in the slightest, BUT it still bothers me FAR LESS than Mathis being thrown into a dumpster or being like Spiderman and Rambo combined jumping from roofs. It is one thing to have one scene that is unrealistic but fits the "hero" concept, it is another to have entire action sequences like that throughout the WHOLE movie AND to have Bond to something that is totally and completely out of character for him. Not to mention absolutely unnecessary and gratuitous. As was the rape thing in QoS as well. That's not what Bond movies have ever been about. And that's not who James Bond is. I can take ONE stupidly unrealistic scene in a movie, fine he's a hero, he heals as if nothing was, all movies do that. But not entire scenes where he acts like a ninja cartoon plus Superman or scenes that are gratuitous and out of character for him.
I agree about not wanting too much of the Superman Mario Brothers jumping.

As regards the rape scene, Fleming actually wrote quite a few rape scenes, or near-rape scenes in the novels. Not very nice to watch, I know, but actually doesn't stray too far from the source material.

Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by katied »

Mathis getting thrown into a dumpster was all different kinds of wrong :cuss:

All I can say about the rape scenes is..it was a different era, and leave it at that. :shock:
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Alessandra »

katied wrote:Mathis getting thrown into a dumpster was all different kinds of wrong :cuss:

All I can say about the rape scenes is..it was a different era, and leave it at that. :shock:
Yeah, exactly my reaction Katie :shock: (Now every time this smiley pops up I see Jonathan Rhyhs Meyers's eyes and LAUGH. It is YOUR FAULT! Totally looks like him! :lol:)

I think that's why the Fleming thing about rape or near-rape in the books was how can I say, a whole different level. It's not like seeing it in a contemporary movie. People back then weren't even condemned for rape. It's very different now, and I don't see the use of such a scene in a Bond movie. It added nothing to QoS IMO (well it added to my distaste for the movie, but that's just me).

The Mathis thing was just ridiculously out of character.

I think the other thing that really bothered me was the sugary and Jackie Collins-style romance with Vesper though. That just made me cringe. The way they executed it was... just a Jackie Collins novel. :O And I know who to blame.

Babs: "Hello? Yes, put Haggis on the phone."
Secretary: "Broccoli on the phone Mr Haggis"
Haggis: " :roll: what now?" Picks up phone: "Yes Barbara, what can I do for you?"
Babs: "No it's what you can do for all women on the planet, because you know, I am the quintessential woman and represent all of them!"
Haggis: :?: (thinks: what, now I'm supposed to make all of them swoon? :cuss: I have enough with wife already!) "What do you mean, Barbara?"
Babs: "I mean you have the perfect romance hero with the gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, magnetic body and face of Daniel Craig to write up in the script."
Haggis: "I thought Bond was a manwhore who well concealed his feelings even when in love? And even if in love, he's got to look like a self-assured, refined, smart man, not like one of those Jackie Collins dudes who say stuff like "I am going to make you feel like a real woman". (thinks "I also thought he looked like Brosnan or Dalton, but beats me. Women...")
Babs: You don't get it. You have DANIEL CRAIG! Don't you know he's the DREAM of all women on the planet? And I know because I represent them and I can only think of him day and night and I just want to see him shirtless in tiny swimtrunks or saying the most romantic things to a woman and then "press his warm, quivering body against her soft breasts". Exactly like Jackie Collin dudes, great example!"
Haggis: :shock: :shock: (thinks: :idea: beach scene with him in tiny swimtrunks, also winking at gay imagery? DONE! I'm a genius). "The shirtless is not a problem, consider it done. As far as the rest..."
Babs: "You still don't get it? I'll make it clear: he is the dream of every woman and most of all he is MY dream. I already spoke with Arnold about appropriate music, so you better come up with equally appropriately cheesy dialogue and sex scene to insert, not to mention sugary romance lines. He's MY dream and that's what I want to see, GET IT? Go read Jackie Collins if you don't know how to do that!"
Haggis: ( :cuss: :fight: :gun: :skull:) "Yes Barbara, you won't be disappointed."

I started swearing at her the moment she picked Craig and I don't think I ever stopped since. The above is I'm pretty sure a quite faithful account of how things went :mrgreen:
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by katied »

The scenes with Bond and Vesper haven't aged well. Sugary enough to send diabetics and non-diabetics alike into a diabetic coma! :twisted:
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Thunderpussy »

I think the rape scene was basicly badly filmed (like most of the movie) it could of been shot in a less graphic manner,the lingering shot up the girls skirt seems just pervy to me at least. Mathis being Thrown in the dumster was Plain wrong.The entire film seems to of been cobbled together by ideas thought of at the time and put in as needed.
The rooftop chase and fight on scaffolding are obviously ideas not used in the similar scene from CR.The boat chase has at lease one insert shot missing ( to explain how Bond flips the Boat chasing him ).On a more basic note M has the same colour scheme in her home as her office,I don't think anyone would do this (unless she's stealing tins of paint to decorate on the cheap) This is a little point I know but when I listen to people going on about how realistic QOS was,this is the kind of little point that annoys me.
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Alessandra »

katied wrote:The scenes with Bond and Vesper haven't aged well. Sugary enough to send diabetics and non-diabetics alike into a diabetic coma! :twisted:
My point exactly! :twisted:
I think the rape scene was basicly badly filmed (like most of the movie) it could of been shot in a less graphic manner,the lingering shot up the girls skirt seems just pervy to me at least. Mathis being Thrown in the dumster was Plain wrong.The entire film seems to of been cobbled together by ideas thought of at the time and put in as needed.
The rooftop chase and fight on scaffolding are obviously ideas not used in the similar scene from CR.The boat chase has at lease one insert shot missing ( to explain how Bond flips the Boat chasing him ).On a more basic note M has the same colour scheme in her home as her office,I don't think anyone would do this (unless she's stealing tins of paint to decorate on the cheap) This is a little point I know but when I listen to people going on about how realistic QOS was,this is the kind of little point that annoys me.
Agree on all counts. The rape scene had no place in a Bond movie AND yes it was also badly filmed. Mathis, I won't even get started, that was all sorts of wrong on way too many levels. AH yeah the infamous boat scene that nobody understood, like most of the action scenes in the movie :mrgreen: The M thing is absolutely correct. Clearly production was being cheap on that (for what reason it is beyond me, but they must have used the same type of paint or wallpaper to decorate different sets. Or just changed furniture and used the same set :lol: And, given what Craig does and how he Super Marios his way from roofs to enemies, I'd say there is VERY little that is realistic about QoS. Don't even get me started on the initial car chase that is OFFENSIVE to any Italian who has even a slight knowledge of geography, and particularly offensive to us who live here on Lake Garda and have to see the utter bulls**t unfold on screen. Sure, everytime I come out of the tunnel in Tremosine or Riva, a magic teletransport machine makes me find myself in Siena, 400 or so kilometers south from here. :cuss:
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by katied »

Don't even get me started on the initial car chase that is OFFENSIVE to any Italian who has even a slight knowledge of geography, and particularly offensive to us who live here on Lake Garda and have to see the utter bulls**t unfold on screen. Sure, everytime I come out of the tunnel in Tremosine or Riva, a magic teletransport machine makes me find myself in Siena, 400 or so kilometers south from here. :cuss:

Epic geography fail on the filmmaker's part! :lol:
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Kristatos »

katied wrote: All I can say about the rape scenes is..it was a different era, and leave it at that. :shock:
Yes, if they're going to justify it on the grounds that it was in the novels, are they also going to start replicating the casual racism of LALD and DAF? Thought not.
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by Alessandra »

katied wrote:
Don't even get me started on the initial car chase that is OFFENSIVE to any Italian who has even a slight knowledge of geography, and particularly offensive to us who live here on Lake Garda and have to see the utter bulls**t unfold on screen. Sure, everytime I come out of the tunnel in Tremosine or Riva, a magic teletransport machine makes me find myself in Siena, 400 or so kilometers south from here. :cuss:

Epic geography fail on the filmmaker's part! :lol:
That sums it up very well.. epic geography fail!! :lol:
Yes, if they're going to justify it on the grounds that it was in the novels, are they also going to start replicating the casual racism of LALD and DAF? Thought not.
Thank you! I don't ever want to see a scene like that of QoS in a Bond movie. They better not even think about ever doing something like that again.
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by katied »

The rape didn't belong in QOS. They could have implied it.That would have sufficed.

As much as Bond fans are backward thinking(the amount of threads on other boards about bringing Moneypenny/Q/Spectre back is proof of this),I think a post about bringing racism/rape back would get shot down so fast it's not even funny.
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Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by The Sweeney »

Kristatos wrote:
katied wrote: All I can say about the rape scenes is..it was a different era, and leave it at that. :shock:
Yes, if they're going to justify it on the grounds that it was in the novels, are they also going to start replicating the casual racism of LALD and DAF? Thought not.
This seems to be the muddled, bizarre confusion on EON's part. They feel it is ok to add a near-rape scene in the film, to keep in line with Fleming, but we cannot (heaven forbid) see Bond smoking a cigarette, even though he smoked 60 a day in the novels.

So rape is ok, smoking is definitely not..... :^o):

Re: Worst/Daftest Moments of the Craig Era

Post by katied »

The closest they would get to showing him smoking is a nicotine patch, ala Sherlock.
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