Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by The Saint 007 »

Whenever something is wrong, the Bond actor is usually the one to take most of the blame for whatever reason. I've heard people giving Moore and Dalton flak for various things that aren't their fault, it's just the way some Bond fans are. Craig, and to a certain extent, Connery, seem to be the only ones who can get away with a little more, however.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by John P. Drake »

The Saint 007 wrote:Whenever something is wrong, the Bond actor is usually the one to take most of the blame for whatever reason. I've heard people giving Moore and Dalton flak for various things that aren't their fault, it's just the way some Bond fans are. Craig, and to a certain extent, Connery, seem to be the only ones who can get away with a little more, however.
Mysterious, isn't it? I say it has always been the number of appealing audience who drew the image for certain actor. Craig's audience are the ones who don't know one end of their figures from the other, basically misguided people (who outnumber the people with certain amount of worthy knowledge). Connery's people were the ones who enjoyed excitement and good entertainment, so he was given the proper view. Craig, on the other hand...
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Problem Eliminator »

Kiwichris wrote: I like the 1989 Batman better than the Dark Knight trilogy films myself. But that's just me...
I like the 1966 Adam West Batman movie the most, but that's just me :D
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by bjmdds »

Not many here watch the 1966 version I would bet. It was a corny riot :!: Quack, quack, quack..........
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by FormerBondFan »

The Saint 007 wrote:Whenever something is wrong, the Bond actor is usually the one to take most of the blame for whatever reason. I've heard people giving Moore and Dalton flak for various things that aren't their fault, it's just the way some Bond fans are. Craig, and to a certain extent, Connery, seem to be the only ones who can get away with a little more, however.
Pierce is the only one who gets blamed for the content he has no control over. At least NM seems to have wake up some of the haters.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by stockslivevan »

It's really all about timing. Brosnan entered Bond at a time when EON became very timid about doing the things he would have preferred taking the series to. It's all because of how negative the reaction to LICENCE TO KILL was. That was their attempt at really shaking things up, it backfired, so they pretty much played it safe for the Brosnan era to "give the people what they want", providing more formula, "greatest hits". Each film would try to do something groundbreaking, but there's a sense that they were pulling their punches (Elektra was a villain all along, but don't worry we have Christmas Jones to assure Bond fans that he'll be in bed with a woman in his arms rather than spend a night alone at the balcony.)

Even acknowledging all that, the sentiment of Brosnan being "screwed over" feels exaggerated. The guy made four Bond films, all of which were hits. Bond revitalized his career in a big way. Without Bond he might have been stuck doing awful TV films like DETONATOR or even worse. If any Bond actor was screwed over, it's Lazenby, and he pretty much pins that all on himself.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Blowfeld »

George Lazenby supposedly returned the money advanced him to be in the next movie. Of course I beloved the producers were trying to make it harder to leave by wiring the money to his account unexpectedly.

As was said before Cubby had a difficult time understanding men who were not motivated by money. Sean hit his point where he had enough, even thou he would spend the next few decades suing Cubby for supposed promised monies, fat pay checks couldn't stop him leaving. Sean did come back for big money I think the promised two picture deal outside 007 swayed him.

Unfortunately for Cubby the next man he hired is so full of himself he doesn't realise the severity of the mistake he made quitting 007 until the mid seventies when he is making low budget films in Hong Kong.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Veronica »

When I read this...broke my heart.Why?Because since I was freaking four whenever someone said "Bond" I immediately thought of Brosnan.Brosnan is Bond and Bond is Brosnan.To my mind anyway.I could honestly write an essay about this.He combined all the traits we could've seen earlier.He had the suave confidence of Connery,could be witty on occasions like Moore and was still a cold-blooded killer when he needed to be in a very much of a way like Dalton.The way he kills Kaufman in TND,the way he kills Elektra in TWINE.Simply one of the best moments of entire series...

"You wouldn't shoot me,you'd miss me.",Elektra says confidently.Bond shoots her.
"I never miss." How much cold he is when he wants it.

Someone commented on Brosnan like this:
"mix of action and danger threaded through with the right amount of wit and humor." I agree.
Brosnan achieved a balance of suave and danger, willing to outright cruel at times, that no one with the possible exception of Connery has been able to achieve. -once again,I agree.

The look on Brosnan's face during the opening scene in the banker's office when he displays his repulsion at those that tried to kill him, gives Bond a new depth. Brosnan is brilliant again.
Brosnan continues to imbue Bond with gentlemanly charms and rough edginess.
Brosnan’s Bond was witty, suave and charming, but could take a punch and deliver one with equal assurance.
Pierce Brosnan portrays Bond amazingly well in my opinion, and ties all the classic 007 elements together flawlessly.
Pierce Brosnan whose shows a witty, charismatic side with a swagger that draws you instantly to the new bond.
Pierce Brosnan does a fabulous job as James Bond. His Bond is a perfect blend between the rough and ruthless portrayal of Timothy Dalton and the comparatively smoother and sophisticated portrayal of Sean Connery. Bond's 'boyish charms' conceal the coldness of a professional killer, an aspect which Brosnan masterfully portrays.

Brosnan’s combined some of the best aspects of his three major predecessors with his own charismatic persona to forge a Bond portrayal that tops them all. He has Connery's machoism, Moore's suaveness and sophicstication, Daltons hard edge, a Fleming flair, and he brings his own personal, emotional side to the role. All the parts needed for the ideal James Bond.

I am an old fashioned Connery man myself but looking objectively Pierce has put together a character with all of the attributes I want in Bond. He's a suave, cool, dangerous, witty, cold, passionate, tough, nasty, debonair, calculating James Bond. I could add a couple of score more adjectives. After The World Is Not Enough, I began to think that I may someday need to turn in my 'Connery Is The Best' club card.

To me, regardless of what you think of the individual movies, Pierce himself has become enormously better with each outing. And I really liked him in Goldeneye. And every time he put on the tux after, he became more of what I want in the Bond character.

I completely agree with you there. To use an old cliche, there was something you envied about his character in a way that had not really been seen since Connery. Ths was a Bond who knew how to indulge, yet someone who also took his proceedings seriously.

The name James Bond has Brosnan written all over it. You're exactly right that he had the style, sophistication, and charm, as well as being more than capable to handle himself.

My point is, Brosnan was able to capture the classy look of Bond. He just exemplified what Bond was.

Interesting how these Craig-lovers seem to justify their "Craig is the best Bond" thing with bashing other actors.Okay,they don't bash Connery,but no one's that stupid.They don't mention Lazenby,they seem to have some respect for Dalton.But Moore and Brosnan are the ones that get the worst.They can easily justify Moore as too light-hearted and therefore not believable as a spy.Now,I'm not bashing Moore in any sense,God knows he's the one that will always entertain me.Interesting,they never say anything about Brosnan's actual performance as Bond.They always bash his films.They obviously don't understand how whatever was wrong with Bond films he starred wasn't his fault.He should've gotten the fifth one reagardless of how good DAD was.DAD was the highes-grossing Bond film.When GoldenEye came out that was the highest-grossing Bond film.4 years later it was TWINE.Brosnan let's face it,saved the franchise.All of his Bond films were huge hits.The fifth one should have been one grand adventure,to be "thank you" for Brosnan.Sadly,that never happened..also Christopher Lee said:In my opinion - and I think I know as much, if not more about James Bond than anyone in the world, particularly about the characters on whom Ian told me Bond was based - Pierce Brosnan was by far the best and the closest to the character,"...
also,if there was an actor who truly loved and was honored by the fact that he god the chance to play Bond,then that's Brosnan,no question.
also,I read the comment once that Brosnan found a home between fire and ice.He was a coldblooded killer but a passionate lover.-got the impression that he was a passionate lover as well :D here's to you Pierce :martini:

Pierce Brosnan flawlessly captures the suave, cool, and handsome secret agent.
My point is, Brosnan was able to capture the classy look of Bond. He just exemplified what Bond was.

Pierce Brosnan does an excellent personification of Bond; is perfect because he can be irresistible to woman and also a great killer.....simply brilliant.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Veronica »

What can I say,except the fact that this kind of broke my hart??Every since I was a little child Brosnan was the pure epitome of Bond.He just had it all.The looks,the charisma,elegance and sophistication...he just had it all.Yes,he could deliver a one-liner with an ease but he could deliver a punch with equal assurance..Also,his Bond wasn't just surface.You could see what Bond is under the surface..there a few examples-M's thoughts on Bond in GoldenEye.Alec's"Oh,spare me the Freud James.I could ask you are all those vodka-martinis every silence the screams of men you killed.Do you find forgiveness in all those willing women,for all the dead one's you failed to protect." There's a scene with Paris and Bond in TND-"Did I get too close?" "Yes" and that's it.No one's close to Bond because that's the way it should be.
"How can you act like this?How can you be so cold?",Natalia asks Bond.
"It's what keeps me alive."
"No,it's what keeps you alone." And they are both right.With the job he has,he needs to be cold.Brosnan's Bond was a cold killer,he just hid it under his "boyish charms".TWINE features a highlight of Brosnan's Bond.The beginning in the bancar's office is pure brilliance.He is efortlessly cool,cold and professional in the same scene.Another highlight is when Bond kills Electra.
"You wouldn't kill me,you'd miss me."
"I never miss." Honestly brilliant and the moment after that is one of the most powerful,even though the end of the movie pretends like that never happened.
He found the balance between coldblooded killer and fiery lover...

His Bond is a man every man wants to be and every woman wants to be with...that's just that.A shame that he went out with DAD.He deserved the fifth movie...he definitely did.He made Bond relevant again.But what puzzles me is why did he say that?Even if he thinks that way it would be logical just to keep it for,hm.

Anyway,here's to Brosnan.Pierce Brosnan. :cheers:
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by FormerBondFan »

Veronica, have you seen November Man yet? Pierce said it's the type of movie he want for Bond in terms of a darker and grittier atmosphere.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Veronica »

FormerBondFan wrote:Veronica, have you seen November Man yet? Pierce said it's the type of movie he want for Bond in terms of a darker and grittier atmosphere.

Actually,I did,not so long ago.It's a decent movie with a good plot.Could have been better,tough.Pierce is great. :007:
Did Brosnan actually say that he wanted to do darker and grittier stuff?I personally just think he wanted to do more down-to-earth thing after DAD.Overall,it just confuses me why did he say that he thinks he was never good enough.Doesn't seem like a smart move.Do you have any idea?
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Kristatos »

I think he was just being self-effacing. He'd have looked a bit of a dick if he'd said "I was the best Bond ever and Daniel Craig is crap compared to me", even if the latter is true.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Veronica »

Kristatos wrote:I think he was just being self-effacing. He'd have looked a bit of a dick if he'd said "I was the best Bond ever and Daniel Craig is crap compared to me", even if the latter is true.
Well,of course,he wouldn't say that even if he thought like that.He is also very well-mannered so I don't think he would say anything bad about anyone even if he thinks so.The point is,even if he thinks that way(and I don't know why),that is something that he could have keep to himself.But he said himself that he always criticizes himself,so...after all,he did say back in 2008,I think, that he thinks Daniel Craig is great(yawn) but later in 2012 when there was the whole Skyfall hype(another yawn) he said that he never watched Craig before...about that,Roger Moore said he thinks Daniel is magnificent as James Bond.I simply find that rather unbelieveable.Moore never took Bond seriously(he said it himself) so I find it rather odd that he finds a guy who can't crack a joke and smile even if the gun was pointed at him opinion,is that the whole "Craig" thing(ruled by Barbara Broccoli of course) is just a huge PR.But that's another story.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Kristatos »

Veronica wrote:
Kristatos wrote:I think he was just being self-effacing. He'd have looked a bit of a dick if he'd said "I was the best Bond ever and Daniel Craig is crap compared to me", even if the latter is true.
Well,of course,he wouldn't say that even if he thought like that.He is also very well-mannered so I don't think he would say anything bad about anyone even if he thinks so.The point is,even if he thinks that way(and I don't know why),that is something that he could have keep to himself.
Wasn't it an answer to an interview question, though?
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Veronica »

Kristatos wrote:
Veronica wrote:
Kristatos wrote:I think he was just being self-effacing. He'd have looked a bit of a dick if he'd said "I was the best Bond ever and Daniel Craig is crap compared to me", even if the latter is true.
Well,of course,he wouldn't say that even if he thought like that.He is also very well-mannered so I don't think he would say anything bad about anyone even if he thinks so.The point is,even if he thinks that way(and I don't know why),that is something that he could have keep to himself.
Wasn't it an answer to an interview question, though?
I don't know.I know that one time they asked him if he watches his Bond movies and he answered:"No,I had great time doing them,I don't watch them." or something like that.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Kristatos »

Lots of people in the arts have that attitude, be they actors, directors or whatever. It's probably a good thing - it means you've grown and developed. Constantly reliving former glories is a sign of a talent in decline.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Veronica »

Kristatos wrote:Lots of people in the arts have that attitude, be they actors, directors or whatever. It's probably a good thing - it means you've grown and developed. Constantly reliving former glories is a sign of a talent in decline.

Well said,but in this article he said that he can't bring himself to watch them and that it's a "horrible feeling."I don't know if he has those feelings just when it comes to his Bond movies or his work in general...
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Kristatos »

Veronica wrote:
Kristatos wrote:Lots of people in the arts have that attitude, be they actors, directors or whatever. It's probably a good thing - it means you've grown and developed. Constantly reliving former glories is a sign of a talent in decline.

Well said,but in this article he said that he can't bring himself to watch them and that it's a "horrible feeling."I don't know if he has those feelings just when it comes to his Bond movies or his work in general...
Probably the latter. Though maybe he's more critical of his Bond work due to its importance for his career.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by Veronica »

Kristatos wrote:
Veronica wrote:
Kristatos wrote:Lots of people in the arts have that attitude, be they actors, directors or whatever. It's probably a good thing - it means you've grown and developed. Constantly reliving former glories is a sign of a talent in decline.

Well said,but in this article he said that he can't bring himself to watch them and that it's a "horrible feeling."I don't know if he has those feelings just when it comes to his Bond movies or his work in general...
Probably the latter. Though maybe he's more critical of his Bond work due to its importance for his career.
Could be,but you know I think it might has to do something how he was fired after DAD.He said they told how happy they were with him(naturally) and then that he got the phone call from his agent when he was filming "After the Sunset"(one of my all-time favorite movies) and that's how he got the news.Well,that's just disgraceful.He gave so much to the franchise,he never lost enthusiasm for the role.He always gave his all.And that's how they fire him?Through the agent?? :cuss: I think he may give some thought of why they did what they did.Maybe he thinks he's not "good enough" because they didn't gave him the opportunity for the fifth movie.I mean,I really don't understand why they didn't.He was fifty(always looked younger and fantastic) and everyone remembered how people were not really pleased when Moore was playing Bond when he was almost 60,but he had the support of the public.And just like that...really really REALLY retarded.
He did say in an interview how he doesn't understand it.He said they told he's going to the at LEAST another one and then they just booted him.He also said how people on the street sometimes call him "Hey,James,hey BOND." I certainly would.And that he "wears it with pride."Someone needs to tell Queen Babs that her boyfriend wouldn't play the part if there wasn't for Brosnan.But that's entirely different discussion.
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Re: Brosnan: My Bond not good enough

Post by ml94 »

No Pierce, you are the BEST.
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